Whoa….not only does he block people but looks like he blatantly cheats!
Great job by Gelbs…SNY has the full story and (a) they are being cheap with the embeddable videos and (b) their non-embeddable videos aren’t loading on Safari so I had to use Chrome but this is such a good job let them have their clicks. Nice use of Gelbs btw after making him look like a buffoon Monday. Gelbsy can do it, if you guys stop giving him punk assignments.
Anyway…seems that Soft Todd Frazier did not catch the ball. There was a rubber ball which got loose, and Todd handed the rubber ball to the umpire. Oops.
I demand Todd be suspended for the remainder of the season so David Wright can play!
Watch the play here…and again you may have Safari issues.
Is THIS what we want youth baseball players doing Soft Todd? SAD