Over the weekend I was tagged on a tweet to a Modell’s video that’s like a decade old. In the video, I saw this guy and his Mets jersey.
I’m above average familiar with Mets fashion jerseys but I have never seen this design before.
It’s a 93-style road jersey….but black. And fellas, you know when you see a woman and you find her fascinating….maybe not even pretty, but she’s got that something…..this is how I feel about this jersey. It’s black. It’s swooshed. It’s garish. And yet….I kinda like it.
Do I want to see it on an actual person playing baseball? NOOOOOOOO. But as a fashion jersey, well if @mediagoon bought me one for Christmas I would welcome it to my collection. Thanks Media Goon!
One of you is gonna recognize this dude. Find him for me.