Wow, Bob Gibson goes 10 and a third and still can’t beat the Mets. Meanwhile, the Cubs lost to the EXPOS lol. This Cubs team are the biggest chokers of all time. They deserve to go 0 for the rest of the 20th Century for this one. Maybe some day when we have flying cars and they play in the CubsDome they can win one, but wow they choked on this. The Mets were TEN back.
Anyway, baseball is dying. You’d think someone would show up and support this team, but the Mets only drew 32,364. But you keep playing games longer than 2 and a half hours, I don’t know who has time for this crap
Nice solid scoreless 4 innings by McGraw in relief for his 9th win. Why he isn’t in the rotation I will never understand.
Random but the guy Torre on the Cardinals? I don’t know why but I don’t like him. There’s just something about him.
Despite Gil, this team is one game away from a miracle. Should be a big day tomorrow.