Mets Police Morning Laziness: things are boaring

See what I did there, it’s a boar pun.  I am trying to get hired by the Content Farmers at the AAIMBR.

SLACKISH REACTION:  As usual a quiet Sunday (remember when Newspapers would have Big Sunday Articles or there were even newspapers).  However I beat the line at the Bagel Store so I am happy.   I did appreciate the woman who went back to the big bat of boiling water where the guy was making the bagels so she could hound him for her Cinnamon Raisin.

Yesterday wasn’t bad for LOL Mets.   We have….

Who is gonna tell Dellin Betances the bad news?

The Mets meaning well but forgetting about the Sneaker Logo on the jersey.  Sneaker Company is gonna be sad.

You’ll never guess who used to be new Syracuse Mets manager Brian Schneider’s agent.

And ICYMI I actually wrote more than three sentences wondering Why the Cespedes Boar story leaked on a Friday night.

In non-Mets news, here’s more Shark & Goon podcast for you to listen to.  So much Star Wars..