The Blue Knight (Video)

I always liked the audio from the Dark Knight trailer so I thought I’d have some fun.  Make of this what you wish.

Randy from The Apple gets a free major plug, so he’s probably laughing at outsmarting yet again, but then again he made all the good photoshop images that appear in the video so more power to him and thanks.

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You own this Mets T-Shirt: Madoff Mess

Terence kicks the 2011 “You own this…” series into high high gear with this tee he says he ordered through the MLB shop.

For the newbies, You Own This Mets Jersey (or shirt) is a fun series where you either take pics of something you own (I know you have a Shinjo jersey) or when you snap a picture of something random you see at a Mets game (someone owns a Shinjo jersey). I still think Mercury Mets Piazza is unbeatable.

Email your pics to [email protected]

Nike spring Mets-wear

You know what rocks? When you wake up in a hotel room wondering what you’re gonna write for leadoff and you check your email and MLB has sent you “check out Nike spring” something-or-another. So I did what they said and got some nice easy content.

First, this one below is really on the Mets page. Maybe it’s the lack of sleep but does anything scream Mets more than this?

Hmmm. Now without using Photoshop I can show you one with an NY. The NY really does look bad in blue on black.

Um sure. Yeah how “Mets.”

Next we have this summer hat. I may buy this and make it my annoying affectation for when I blog by the pool in a Hawaiian shirt and this hat like a fat Trapper John. (Kids, Trapper was a character on a show called MASH that Greg Prince and I used to watch.)

Here’s a hallway decent looking jacket…I could see The ‘Ropolitans blog rocking this out.

And a not at all decent looking jersey

But it could be worse

And yes they have alternate caps…we’ll visit those starting later today.

Topps 2011 Mets David Wright and Johan Santana

My Topps 2011 Series 1 has arrived.  Sometimes on a quiet night I enjoy putting the cards in the binder.  I didn’t get that far yet but I thimbed through the first 56 cards and came across card #15 David Wright and card #56 Johan Santana.  Click on either for a bigger image

I’m a card-design snob much like a uni-snob.  I approve of this design, and my all time favorite design is 1977 Topps.  Shocker there.