Mets Legend Daniel Murphy

Is he not a Net Negative?


I think he’s a net negative

Have we lived so long that Daniel Murphy is a “Mets Legend” 

Has everyone forgotten that everyone but me tried to run him out of town for 2009-2015? (People liked him in 2008)

Have we forgotten Emaus?  Have we forgotten Hall of Fame Ike Davis?  Have we forgotten Jordanny Vadlespin?  Have we forgotten the snide comments about Murph running the bases like a border collie?  Have we ignored the digs on his play at second base while forgetting the only reason he was at second is because you chose wrong and picked Ike Davis?  Have we forgotten how the t-shirt guy razzed me in April 2016 because Neil Walker was god for three weeks?

Apparently we have.

Back you you Gare.

In other news:

Daniel Murphy,who you tried to run out of town, career OPS (do you millennials still do OPS because you sure did when Murph played) was .796

Pete Alonso 2024, who you want to extend 10 years – his OPS this season is .786

But I notice you guys stopped doing OPS for some reason.