Bob needs a Mets bucket cap

Bob asks…


I am turning to your vast knowledge.

I am looking for a nice, ADULT, Mets Bucket hat (preferably no BLACK 🙂 )

For the beach and pool.

I can’t find one anywhere.

Any ideas?

I don’t.  I did a quick google and found some for kids and women.  Can anyone help Bob?

Mets Logo Bandz

Randy from the Apple sent this in.  My kids love these:

I’m sure you’ve heard of these by now.  Apparently kids both young and old love Silly Bandz or Logo Bandz as the MLB calls them.  (Probably to avoid being sued by the Silly Bandz people.  They come in Mets colors and pink and red for girls I guess.  The good news…no black.

Mets jersey sale and panic

True story – you know how on last night’s post about the Minaya postcard I said that sometimes “snooze you lose?”….so when I was blogging last night I remembered someone had sent me something about a sale on Mitchell & Ness jerseys.  I couldn’t find the email/tweet and poked around the M&N website to find it…struck out, went to bed and left it for tonight.

Sure enough….Mets Blog has the info. Not that there’s any sort of competition (we are friendly and the sites do two very different things, and theirs is better), it’s just an example of what I was saying last night….D’oh. 😉

Oh well.  Speaking of MetsBlog, it’s one thing when kooks like me panic…I take it much more seriously when MetsBlog suggests panic has entered the clubhouse

The 1965 New York Mets Yearbook cover

Like yesterday, I don’t recall seeing this one before. “You’re the Most?” Some sort of mid-60’s slang?

It’s nice to see the price of the yearbook holding study at 50 cents.

The yearbooks started with a baby, then a small kid, then a slightly bigger kid…I wonder how this kid will look in say 4 years….