Unconfirmed: Seaver & Piazza To Do First Pitch At Citifield

Forgive me if (a) this is well known or (b) it turns out to be wrong, but reliable people have told Clark Kent (me) that Seaver will throw to Piazza for the first pitch at C-Field.
Hopefully it’s accurate because that’s the correct move.   There really is no good second choice.
This being the Mets I still am mentally prepared for the Regional Vice President of Citibank to be given the honor.

Bring The Mets Home From The WBC!

The World Baseball Classic is stupid.  Bill Price makes some great points in today’s News.
Not only did Wright play last night, he played all nine innings despite injuring his big toe in the first inning. He had to play all nine because the U.S. had nobody left on the bench, with Chipper Jones and Kevin Youkilis already hurt.
Wright is hurt so bad he needs X-rays after the game. He even admitted he thought during the game the toe might be broken, yet he still played all nine innings. You can say he took one for the team, but you know what, the Mets are his team, not TEAM USA. I’m as patriotic as the next guy, but this is absurd.

First thing this morning, the Mets should call Wright and K-Rod and whoever else is playing in this thing and call them back to Port St. Lucie – IMMEDIATELY.


I agree with Bill and said the same thing the other day.  Screw the WBC.  Imagine if Wright is lost for an extended period because of a silly made up tournament?   Davey Johnson keeps playing guys out of position, which was cute when it was Kevin Mitchell in ’86, but not worth it to win this silly tourney.


Bring ’em home, Omar. 

Of Urinals & Men

Y’all can make fun of me, but I’m still hung up on the urinals at C-Field.  I’m glad they are all eco-friendly and all, but can’t we have a divider?

I’m hoping they just haven’t installed them yet.

Personally, I won’t be staring at your junk and I doubt you’ll be looking at me – but seriously, can’t we just have a wall?  You know there’s those idiots who have to stand about 20 feet away and go for the long shot.

So that we’re all on the same page, Thomas from the UK (who has his own blog now called Checked Swing)
send over another link to the 12 Unspoken Rules of Urinal Etiquette.

(That’s a screen cap not an actual video so stop clicking.  If you want to see the video click here. )


Pedro Non-News: ESPN Gets It

ESPN’s Rob Neyer gets it.

One, there’s a really, really good reason why nobody’s leaping at the chance to offer Pedro a Smoltz-type contract: Smoltz won 14 games in 2007; Pedro has won 17 games in 2006, 2007, and 2008 combined.


Two, there seems to be zero interest from 29 teams and a small amount of interest from one. The Mets are not interested, and you can hardly blame them after flushing $41 million down the toilet over the last three years. Yes, the Mets shouldn’t concern themselves with a sunk cost, but that’s easy for us to say; they’re the ones who had to watch an expensive mistake every day for three years.