I’m Giving The Job To Livan Right Now.
New Yankee Stadium Looks Drab
So yeah I’ve been writing about the Yankees an awful lot. It’s hard to ignore A-Rod, and for some reason way more pics of New New Yankee have leaked out than we’ve seen of C-Field.The super-solid New Stadium Insider posted about food at New Yankee Stadium yesterday (must have missed it while enjoying a beer). You can read about the food over there.
What strikes me is how drab the place looks. It looks like 1975 Coney Island. These gratings are ugly. The place looks a public high school or maybe the lobby of a housing project. Everything is just gray and more gray and cement.
Maybe it just doesn’t photograph well? Anybody reading this actually been in the new place? I want to like it…but it’s ugly.
I’ll get back on the Mets if there’s every anything to talk about. It’s been a long month with 16 guys out of camp. Where’s Bobby V to do something stupid when I need him? Come on Jerry, stab someone.
Mets Fans Posing As Jays Fans….Strangely Fun!
Two Mets fans and a Yankees fan pose as Blue Jays fans. Strangely fun!
Yet Still Even More Pics Of New Yankee Stadium – Giant Jeter Bobblehead?
I think everyone but me has gotten a private tour of New Yankee Stadium.
This guy got one and posted tons and tons of pics of his tour.
I find this Jeter bobblehead thing surpringsly lame. Meet you at the Jeter bobblehead?
The new place looks like a concrete jungle. Very drab and gray. Like a New York City park built around 1975 (ironic isn’t that).
Sorry Yankees fans, I’m increasingly convinced we have the better park yet again.
Maybe I’ll get to see New Yankee Stadium if the Yankees return my emails.