Does anyone doubt that A-Rod’s press conference will be a disaster? He brought in a heavy hitter PR firm, which means this will be the most rehearsed non-honest conference in history.
During the Gammons interview he spoke as if he was trying to remember what else he was supposed to get it – “oh and I was naive. I was naive and stupid. And did I work in the word culture?”
Pettitte did it right. Everyone forgave him in about two seconds. Giambi too.
I’m still waiting for an “I never did steroids” from the Captain.
Meanwhile, the commissioner just doesn’t get it. We need to buy him a “The buck stops here!” sign for his desk. Check out Newsday today:
“I don’t want to hear the commissioner turned a blind eye to this or he didn’t care about it,” Selig said. “That annoys the you-know-what out of me. You bet I’m sensitive to the criticism. The reason I’m so frustrated is, if you look at our whole body of work, I think we’ve come farther than anyone ever dreamed possible.”
Please. Y’all got rich on McGwire & Sosa.
The commish will be watching the press conference today:
“Let’s just say I’m going to monitor that situation closely,” he said. “I honestly don’t know how anyone could have done more than we’ve already done.”