Manny Book, Straw Book, Nice Head Brett, When Does Baseball Return?

Wow I’m really looking forward to an actual baseball game.
Months of stadium names, Torre’s book (which is great and really a Verducci book), Manny and A-Rod.  It’s exhausting.
So I type “Mets” into google and hope for some news.
What do I get….
Strawberry has a book coming out.  Hey guess what, the 1980’s Mets liked drugs and women.   There’s nothing new there.  Even the anecdote about a pitcher and his sex habits (if you care enough to read a blog called Mets Police you know who that was, and I spend a lot of time in the stands in the 80s and there were two large bosomed ladies who, well…) – even that anecdote is boring.   What’s going to be in there that would really shock at this point?
So I google “Manny Ramriez” – maybe there’s something there.
Nope.  He has a book too!   I’m booked out fellas.  I don’t need books when I have baseball,  I need them in Dceember.  Anyway here’s a link about that:
Brett Favre?  I feel like we did that too.  It’s really really really stupid to have a Hall of Fame career and then tag it with one dopey season on the Jets.  Nice head (as we say in Queens).

Favre Retires – For Real This Time (Maybe)

Looks like playing for the Jets finally made Favre realize his career was over.

According to ESPN Favre has told his agent to let the Jets know he is retiring…



It’s for good this time

Until August when he will want to play one last time for a winner

I actually do believe he is done. Playing for the Jets (just like rooting for them) can suck the life out of you.

So what did the Jets get for one year of Favre

  1. Another typical Jets collapse
  2. A fired coach
  3. An apparently dysfunctional locker room
  4. An opponent who won 1 game last year winning the division with their old QB
  5. No clear QB for next season

Yeah – that was really worth it

Nominations For the 2009 Hall Of Infamy

Cooperstown has become a joke.

It may not be the baseball Hall of Fame’s fault, but nonetheless it’s a joke.

You can’t have a Hall of Fame without the all-time leaders in all the offensive categories.

I’m sorry that some of these men were mean to sports writers, or took anabolic steroids, or bet on games, their numbers are what they are.

Maybe “Infamy” is unfair to some of the people I will list on the first ever ballot.  Let’s call them the “Hall of Men With Great Stats” or the Hall of Famous or something.

This hall only worries about stats baby.  It doesn’t matter if you spit on the ball or corked your bat or bribed the ump or took steroids.  Stats get you in, and that’s it.  Unlike other halls you only need to sit out one full season to be enshrined

It’s time to take the Hall back from the sportswriters and back into the hands of fans.  I invite you to vote, or even nominate, and we’ll publish the results in a month or so.  This is your chance to stick up for Gil Hodges, Steve Garvey, Don Mattingly or anyone else you’d like to see enshrined.  Some day I’m sure Alex Rodriguez will wind up in our building.   Before we get to those folks, there’s some others to nominate:

Ladies and gentlemen, the nominees for the 2009 Hall of Famous Baseball Players.

Joe Jackson.   You may know him as “shoeless.”   He even has his own virtual Hall.  Jackson has the third highest batting average of all-time, with 1700 hits in ten full seasons (Ichiro type numbers!)   His .408 in 1911 was the highest of the century and hasn’t even been approached here in Century 21.   You’ve surely heard of him, hence his nomination for the Hall of Famous.

Pete Rose.  Pete is baseball’s hit king with 4256.  Six World Series and a main part of the history of not just the Reds, but also the Phillies.  Hard to ignore Charlie Hustle’s credentials on the field.

Barry Bonds.  The Home Run King.   Two numbers that stand without explanation:  73 and the most famous number of them all 762.   How could you even consider a hall without the King?

Roger Maris.   As hard as it is for anyone under thirty to believe, 60 home runs was once very uncommon in baseball.   Roger was the only one to do it between Ruth and McGwire.  A two time MVP who played in seven World Series and was a leader with the Yankees and Cardinals.

Mark McGwire.  The man who saved baseball.  The man who returned the power game to a game that had become boring with 10 run games a rarity. A 12 time all-star who played in three consecutive World Series and has 583 home runs.  Hard credentials for someone to ignore.

Sammy Sosa.  The other smiling face of the legendary summer of 1998.  A man so beloved by all that even New York City threw a tickertape parade for a Chicago Cub.  A 7 time All-Star, an MVP and of course609 home runs including three seasons over 60.

Jack Morris.  What, you thought I was only going to list bad guys?  254 wins and the best pitcher of his decade.  He deserves a look.

Bert Blyleven.  287 wins, 3701 strikeouts.  Nobody will win 287 games again.

Tommy John.   288 wins.  You can’t win 288 if you don’t win 287, and nobody will.

Roger Clemens.   When he was playing he was considered one of the great pitchers of all time.  354 wins and 4672 strike outs.  Let me know who is pitching today that will even hit half those numbers.

Rafael Palmeiro.  Before the writers found righteousness there were two numbers that got you into any Hall:  3,000 and 500.   Raffy has them both.

Did I miss someone?   Hit comments and add your nominations or votes!

Getting Out of A-Rod’s contract?

To those who want to get out of A-Rod's contract:

How would that work?

For cause? He won 2 mvp's as a Yankee.

Damages? They've been drawing 4 million fans and record TV ratings

Past practices? They let Giambi stay on the team and just re-signed Pettitte.

Do you really want the Yankees to take the gamble and lose? The NYY's and A-Rod would be forced to live with each other for 9 more years!

Move on.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Media Tips For A-Rod For Spring Training

To:  Alex Rodriguez
Fr:  The Mets Police
Re:  What to do now

Dear Alex,

I’ve pulled together some suggestions for you as the Yankees head to spring training.

1.  Make sure you’re not on steroids.  I know that seems obvious, but heaven forbid you get caught again.

2.  Show up for camp early.   Get on a plane now and show up.   I see Jeter & Posada are already hanging around.   Be seen running laps and taking grounders.  Don’t be seen with Madonna or strippers.

3.  Have a press conference and answer every question you can, short of implicating others.  Nobody likes a snitch.   Stand there for 17 hours if that’s what it takes.

4.  If you have done steroids since 2003 admit it at that press conference.

5.  Ask Joe Girardi to play you as much as he can in the spring.   If he can give you nine innings without it messing up some younger player’s development then play nine.  Take the bus to some road games too and get used to the heckling.

6.  Learn to say “I’m sorry.”  No qualifiers.  Don’t try to halo yourself by using the “everyone else was doing it defense.”  Enough with “naive” and “stupid” and “culture.”   Things like “I was wrong” and “I let everyone down” go a long way.