The text of A-Rod’s apology reads much better than it sounded. On tv it just seemed like he needed to get in the words naive and stupid as many times as possible.
Does anyone actually use the phrase loosey-goosey when not apologizing to Peter Gammons? Is that a phrase Alex uses when clubbing in Miami.
Question to everyone: what are you mad at? Why do you care anyway? Root for the guy or don’t. Watch the games or don’t. At the end of the day it’s just television programming for the summer.
People were much less interested in steroids before a surly black man put up the biggest numbers.
Jeter’s quote still bothering me. The correct answer would have been “no.” (Read down the blog if you don’t know what I’m talking about.)
I guess Jose Canseco is less of a crazy-talker than people made him out to be.
I really look forward to getting back to Mets talk around these parts but (a) its hard story to ignore and (b) the Mets don’t do anything good or bad and I can only wax poetically about Lee Mazzilli so many times.
Of the 103 players left on the list none were Mets right? I have an idea about one but I’ll get lynched if I voice it.
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