Yankees Cut A-Rod? I’d Take Him In A Short Second!

Bill Madden has the most ridiculous A-Rod analysis yet in today’s News.

Bill wants the Yankees to cut A-Rod and eat the contract.

He wants the Yankees to eat a quarter billion dollars.

Come on dude.

If the Yankees ever did such a thing (probably after moving to Montreal) A-Rod could sit home and make $25 million a year to hang out with Madonna.

In Madden’s scenario I assume that A-Rod would be placed on unconditional release waivers.   A team could claim A-Rod for $1, but then would assume responsibility for the contract.  You see that kind of attempt every August.   In today’s economic environment nobody is taking this one on.   So A-Rod might sit home.

A-Rod could reject the claim, which would void the contract, and become a free agent.   A quarter billion dollars is a lot of money to walk away from, but maybe after a while enough money is enough money, and reputation and a desire to play is more important than money you’ll never use.  I’ve never had $25 million so I can’t tell you what it’s like.

Anyway, let’s say A-Rod was magically a free agent.   Would you want him on your team?

I’d take him in a second.  Actually I’d take him as my shortstop right there in Flushing.   I sold my soul earlier this winter when I decided I wanted Manny, so why not A-Rod?   Let him play shortstop and let Overreyes play second.    You moved Reyes for Kaz Matsui, you can move him for A-Rod.

You wouldn’t want A-Rod in this lineup?  All those who wanted Manny wouldn’t want A-Rod?

Is he clutch?  No.  Is he a choker?  Yes.   He will fit right in with the team when he goes 1 for 64 in October. He also might put up MVP-like stats (the writers will never vote for him now).

The Yankees aren’t eating this contract.   Steroids are part of the legacy of the last 15 years.  As I said yesterday, Selig should declare blanket amnesty and delcare that all the records stand forever.  Time to move on.


A Yankees Marriage Not Made in Heaven (Link)

I know links to Times articles are lame blogging, but of all the A-Rod pieces I read today, this was one of my favorite.  It’s dead on.

Published: February 8, 2009
The Yankees are positioned to be the biggest suckers, given their contractual obligation to put up with Alex Rodriguez until 2018.

Even after Rodriguez’s agent Scott Boras pulled his shameless 2007 World Series stunt — claiming his man wanted out of New York before the Red Sox could pop a Champagne cork in Denver — the Yankees were ready to retie the knot the minute A-Rod picked up the telephone to say, Just kidding. He had Hank at hello, and soon after, it was till 2018 do they part because somewhere along the way, the Yankees would dress the next great baseball moment in pinstripes, delivering a clean-as-a-whistle home run champ.


When Do We Hear From Jeter?

It’s sure interesting that A-Rod knew about this on Thursday, yet didn’t say anything to the Yankees about it.   It appears they found out the same time everyone else did, Saturday morning.

When do we get the Jeter quote?  You know, the really generic one that somehow nails the spot between team and not sticking up for the guy?  Jeter is good at those:

Reporter:  Derek, do you like vanilla ice cream?

Jeter:  Well I think we all recognize that vanilla is one of the top flavors in ice cream.  I think you’d have to put vanilla, chocolate and strawberry all in the same conversation.

I’m not sure that was an actual quote, I may have dreamed that one.

Nine more seasons of A-Rod in the Bronx.   What will his 15 years in pinnies be remembered for?  So far they’re remembered for lifting the Curse of the Bambino.   The Red Sox have become the Yankees (wins and an old ballpark) and the Yankees have become a team that can’t win.  A ball between Buckner’s legs or a swarm of midge flies, what’s the difference.

You may remember that in December 2003, Texas tried to trade A-Rod to those very Red Sox!   How much would Yankee fans be laughing now at the Roid Sox?

Anyone want a chance at being up 3-0 on Boston with Alex and his clutch winning ways in the opposing dugout?  Don’t forget it’s possible to win a championship with Hayes at third.

Wouldn’t you kind of liked to have Soriano on the 2009 (or 08 or 07 or 06 or 05 or 04) Yankees?  I’ll take .280 and 30 homers out of a poor-defensive second baseman any day.  You don’t need to go to the outfield for me Sori.

Well, A-Rod didn’t go to Boston, and they started winning.

9 more years.  Will he ever be a “true Yankee?”  Any Yankee fans want a mulligan on that opt-out?   Would be nice if third base were an option for the captain in 2011 (even Cal went to third).

Mr. Captain, we’re waiting for you.   You know how to reach sportswriters I assume.   Let’s hear it.


Most Popular Posts From The Week

Well before we get to steroids…

The top post of the week was a complete off-topic indulgence – so off-topic it got Mets Police thrown off Bleacher Report!  Oh well – Springsteen talks about Springsteen-gate and Ticketmaster was the most popular.

Back on-topic:

People can’t get enough pics of New Yankee Stadium or the Stadium That Replaced Shea.

Unfortunately, life in Flushing has been boring (or in light of A-Rod, maybe that’s a good thing) so much of the attention has been up by the Deegan.   The Yankees warned 41 game ticket plan holders that they might not get seats.  I’ve heard tales of people who have seats in the uppers behind home plate for 11 years being moved to the boonies.

Speaking of money to be made on tickets, I have it on (cough) good authority that you can get $200 for an upper deck opening day ticket at Not Shea Field if you’d like to offset your season ticket expenses.   Don’t feel bad, Stubhub is the official ticket scalping partner of Major League Baseball, you can even scalp directly from your Mets.com account.

Remember back before A-Rod and Torre that the big story this winter was the dopey patch?   Weeks later this post is still getting traffic!   https://metspolice.com/2009/01/making-fun-of-mets-patch-is-2-webpage.html

Fellow Mets Policeman Cyclones Fan hit two homers with MLB Censoring Jerseys and a prescient Selig Knew Bonds Was On Steroids written before the A-Rod stuff came out.

Then there’s A-Rod.   He denied taking steroids (video).  I think Selig should look to Lincoln and give everyone amnesty and I’m glad that at least Buck Showalter hints that maybe everyone knew.

Been a crazy weekend, with both sports talk stations going 24/7 single topic, and that’s before Boomer & Carton, Michael Kay, the guy that used to host with Mad Dog and even Mad Dog himself get to weigh in tomorrow.   I wonder what the story will be on the back page all week?


Newish Pics of Shea and New Mets Field

Lost in Torre and A-Rod were some new pics of the Stadiums of The Mets.

Check out the gallery here.

Also the folks over at Flushing 9 are asking who was the most booed met over the last 20 years.  I’m now so old that I can’t count Doug Sisk.

If you’re inclined to set the VCR, tomorrow at 12:30pm MLB TV recaps the great 2001 season.   It really was.
