Dear Fox, You Are Holding 90% Of The USA Hostage At 38-0

Dear Fox,

You are broadcasting NE-Arizona to 90% of the county right now.

It’s 38-0.

Tom Brady won’t be coming off the sidelines and the Cardinals won’t be coming back.

Please free us.

I realize you’re only other options are NO 28- Detroit 7, but at least that’s a curiousity, and STL 13 SF 3 but at least that’s a game.

Please take us somewhere else.

I Hate The Jets

I hate the Jets.

I used to like the Jets.  I lived in Queens and they played in Queens.   They were my team.

My dad got me into the Mets, and Jets sounded like Mets and they played in the same stadium so it made sense to my five year old brain to root for them.   They were my team.

Then one day they left me.   Headed off to some awful place called New Jersey.   They turned on me, so I turned on them.

These days nothing makes me happier than a crushing Jets loss.   Just losing isn’t enough, it has to be crushing.

I enjoyed my Richard Todd Jets.   I rooted for them in the AFC Championship game against Miami, where Todd completed 5 passes to guys in teal, and a guy named A.J. Duhe became the greatest Jets receiver of all time (too bad he was playing defense for the Dolphins.)

Then they left.

You leave me, I leave you.

Some guy named Ken O’Brien became the QB.   Ken is the kind of guy that you don’t appreciate while he’s around.  He “sucked” – but when he left and you got to see what sucking really was you kind of appreciate him.   Nevertheless he played in New Jersey so I rooted against him.

Browning Nagle.   Boomer Esisason.  Bruce Coslet.

Now I really started to hate the Jets.

The Jets were NFL TV jockblockers.   NBC would let us know that “next week most of you will see the greatest game ever, except in New York!”  In New York we’d be stuck watching a crappy Giants game at 1pm and then a crappy Jets-Chargers game at 4.   I got really good at UHF trying to suck in Channel 30 from Connecticut hoping to see anything but a crappy Jets-Chargers game.  The Jets could be down 27-0 and NBC would not switch away from that game (I guess they still had Heidi-phobia).    These were the days before the internet and fantasy football so good luck getting an out of town score.   Finally half-time would come and Channel 4 would stick us with news.   Kill me.

Rick Kotite came to town.  I remember listening to WFAN and hearing all the Philly fans call in to laugh.  People in this area didn’t know what was coming.    The Philly crew was right.

Then in 1994 the greatest Jets play of all time happened.  I was at a bar on Queens Blvd. enjoying some beer and wings.    The Jets fans were getting uppity as they do and chanting “Super Bowl!!!!” as the Jets were leading the Dolphins.   Dan Marino walks up to the line as if he’s going to spike the ball and instead throws a TD.   I’ve never seen sports fans so crushed.   To this day I enjoy yelling “Super Bowl!!!” when the Jets are up 3-0 in week one of the preseason.

Bill Parcells came to town.   Jets fans got uppity again.  Bill being Bill ran out on the Jets like he did a handful of other teams.

Bill Belichick became the HC of the NYJ for about 5 minutes longer than I did before he resigned.

Al Groh coached the team for an hour and a half and he ran away too.

Herman Edwards!   It’s never Herm’s fault, it’s yours.   He’s the Willie Randolph of football.

Fireman Eddie?  Can’t stand him.

And now Brett Favre is here to lead you to the promised land of Super Bowls and PSL’s.

I hope Seattle crushes them today, and if you’re reading this after the Seattle game and maybe the Jets did win – I really look forward to Chad Pennington returning to the Meadowlands to exact his revenge.    What would be more fitting than Parcells and the old Jets QB ruining your season.

Same Old Jets.

Feels Like 17, Thanks NBC

To all Giants fans everywhere I’d like to apologize on behalf of NBC and the NFL.

As you know this week’s game has been shifted to an 8:15pm start.  At 9pm the air temperature is expected to be 29 degrees, but it will feel like 17.

Jets fans should not feel left out.   There’s a 99% chance that your week 17 game will also be moved to a warm December night.

Enjoy the game, and don’t forget to send off that PSL check for $20,000.

Cool Dave Kingman Link

I stumbled across this:  Hardball And Kingman.  Excerpts below from a long entertaining piece you should check out.

I readily admit that I am disturbingly fascinated by Dave Kingman — more fascinated than anyone should be about a man who famously sent a live rat to a reporter. Mostly it comes down to my theory: I think Kingman could have been a great player only he did not particularly want to be a great player.

My main proof for this is the 1979 baseball season. Kingman was playing for the Chicago Cubs that year. And I had always heard that in the months before that season, Kingman decided he finally would show everyone just how great he could be if he actually tried. Up to that point, Kingman had been one of the most absurd players in baseball history — he hit a lot of home runs, and he struck out an obscene number of times, and he got hurt a lot, and he only played defense in the loosest definition of the word, and he was traded and waived three times in the same year (and released at the end of that year). He also seemed to have a unique ability to make everybody really despise him.

in New York, the much-publicized Dave Kingman character came out — here was the moody Kingman who swung hard at everything, who almost never walked, who pulled everything, who hit 500-foot home runs and 325-foot pop-ups, who ran the bases like a child coming in for dinner, who played defense not just poorly but with utter disdain. He did mash 36 and 37 home runs his two full years with the Mets, and Shea was a terrible hitters park. Those home runs seemed to be the only things that intrigued him at all about baseball. The Mets traded him in ‘77, the Padres waived him, the Angels traded him and the Yankees let him go.*

The Best Met of the 1990’s Was….

Yesterday I explored some candidates for the best Met of the 1990’s.   There were some really poor candidates.   Bobby Jones?   Todd Hundley and his .240 average?   The despised Bobby Bonilla?


The um “greatest” (cough) Met of the horrible 1990’s is…

John Franco!

Yes the ever not-so-reliable John Franco is the greatest Met of the 1990’s.  

You could always count on John to come in, walk two guys, get a double play, give up another hit to make it interesting, and then get the save.

The great John Franco who left the Reds just in time to let Randy Myers win a ring with the 1990 Reds.

The great John Franco who was so great he had to give up his number to another player.

Why John Franco?

268 Saves baby!

268 saves is the only stat accumulation of any kind for a Met during the 1990’s.   John was the only player to play ever season of the decade (and I believe joins Ed Kranepool as the only Met to play a full decade).

Todd Hundley’s 124 HRs and 397 RBI’s just aren’t enough – especially because he lasted about five more minutes as a Met once Piazza showed up.

Congratulations to John Franco and everyone in the Mets front office that made the 90’s such a rousing success!

Thanks again to Mets Walkoffs for crunching the numbers.