The Best Met of the 1990’s Was….

Yesterday I explored some candidates for the best Met of the 1990’s.   There were some really poor candidates.   Bobby Jones?   Todd Hundley and his .240 average?   The despised Bobby Bonilla?


The um “greatest” (cough) Met of the horrible 1990’s is…

John Franco!

Yes the ever not-so-reliable John Franco is the greatest Met of the 1990’s.  

You could always count on John to come in, walk two guys, get a double play, give up another hit to make it interesting, and then get the save.

The great John Franco who left the Reds just in time to let Randy Myers win a ring with the 1990 Reds.

The great John Franco who was so great he had to give up his number to another player.

Why John Franco?

268 Saves baby!

268 saves is the only stat accumulation of any kind for a Met during the 1990’s.   John was the only player to play ever season of the decade (and I believe joins Ed Kranepool as the only Met to play a full decade).

Todd Hundley’s 124 HRs and 397 RBI’s just aren’t enough – especially because he lasted about five more minutes as a Met once Piazza showed up.

Congratulations to John Franco and everyone in the Mets front office that made the 90’s such a rousing success!

Thanks again to Mets Walkoffs for crunching the numbers.