Most Popular Stuff From The Week

People still like making fun of the patch, and uniform talk and pictures of Yankee Stadium and a dying Shea (also here) continue to be popular.

Those of you who vacation every weekend and don’t surf the internet may have missed hearing about Joe Torre’s book.  He must have done it for the money, right?   My guess is Joe will be a big topic on sports talk in the morning since the Super Bowl matchup is awful.

Hey Hockey, Long Time No See

There used to be a great sport around these parts, and it was called hockey.   A lot of us used to enjoy it.

Back in 1994 my cousin was a big Rangers fan.  I liked blue and orange teams so I rooted for the Islanders.   The Rangers were on their way to winning a cup, and I needed to stop that from happening at all costs.   The Isles were useless in the playoffs that year but I fell in love with a scrappy Devils team and their awesome goalie Martin Brodeur – and these Devils seemed like they would be the ones to stop the Rangers from ever winning so I could keep on chanting 19-40 every time I walked past the cousin’s house.

We were really into hockey 15 years ago.   I bought a Devils jersey.  I would watch every game at his house.  I’d show up with Devil horns and bring Devil dogs.  Anything to keep 19-40 alive.  Back in those days I had to get up at 3:30 in the morning for work.  It didn’t matter, I stayed up for the NHL playoffs.

We all know that the Rangers won, and I lost – but hockey was alive.  It’s good for leagues when the team from New York is good despite what those in the flyover states think.   Hockey had a brand new contract with FOX, and FOX was proving itself to be really good at this sports thing.

Then the geniuses had a lockout and started the 1995 season late.  The Devils won it, but they swept in the finals which didn’t help the cause.  Neither did threatening to move to Nashville in the middle of a cup run.

Still we loved our hockey.   We played NHL 95 on the Sega Genesis like you couldn’t believe.   Messier came and went and came back.  Even the great Wayne Gretzky came to New York.   However, little by little hockey was slipping away.  

Eventually the NHL decided not to play a season and nobody cared.

Tonight is the All-Star game.  It’s 90 minutes away and I only now got excited enough to write about it.  I’m going to check it out and I hope I last more than five minutes.   I couldn’t tell you who is playing, I don’t know if I get Versus in HD (they keep telling me “you gotta see hockey in hi-def!”) and I bet I won’t recognize any of the players.

I have heard of Niklas Lidstrom but he decided he isn’t playing and the league has decided to make him sit out a regular season game as punishment.  I’ve heard of Sydney Crosby, but he isn’t playing either.

Well, I bet Martin Brodeur made the team.  Oh what’s that – he’s been out with an injury all season?  The Devils are somehow in first with the Rangers just a point behind.   You’d think someone would notice.

Looking For Writers

Hi there.  If you’d like to join the Mets Police, maybe you have the occasional idea but can’t be bothered to start your own blog contact me at the email address which you can find all the way at the top of the page up above the Mets Police banner.  I don’t want the spam-bots to get me so I won’t include it here.  You can also just hit comments below.

If you’re a fellow blogger and would like to do the occasional post-exchange (some of us do that and it helps all) hit me up.

At this point in this blog’s growth I have nothing to over you but gratitude and the ability to annoy the Wilpons – but for some of us that’s enough.

Swanny, Stadia, Manny, Ollie

On another quiet morning in Flushing, I thought I’d take a look around the internet to see what’s out there:

Hotfootblog correctly observes that just about every Mets fan now wants Manny.  Why would a franchise not want to offer the customer the player that the customers want?  It boggles the mind.  It would be very easy for all parties to show up at the press conference and say “we heard how much you wanted him, here he is” and Manny can stand there in a black #99 jersey with a lame patch and I’ll keep my mouth shut.

Forbes magazine also thinks the Mets need to grab Manny.

The Subway Sqwakers blog and the Daily News both observe that as much sense as Manny makes for 2009, he may make even more sense for 2010!

Not surprisingly the Mets are upping their offer to Oliver Perez.   I don’t think any of us are shocked that this is happening.

Craig Swan is 59 years old now and has a dog powered scooter.

My favorite piece out there is from the Amazin’ Avenue blog which has a collection of Mets Sports Illustrated covers throughout the years.   The young Dwight Gooden makes me sad.   It’s a very cool collection, check it out!

Meanwhile in the Bronx, they haven’t signed Manny yet (who will be surprised when they do?) but the great River Ave Blues blog has this virtual tour of Yankee Stadium (and here’s one of Citi Field – what’s up with the yellow hat on the scoreboard).