Mets Having A Smart Day!

Wow first I read that the Wilpons don’t want Manny, now I read they aren’t going to buy into this World Baseball Classic nonsense.

Spring training is to get your players ready as a team.  Get your work in and don’t worry about wins and losses and see how the unit plays as one cohsesive force.  Having half your guys play against Mike Piazza and Italy is a waste of time.

Published: December 24, 2008

The Mets, citing Johan’s Santana’s recent knee surgery, have cast doubt on the Venezuelan pitcher’s participation in the 2009 World Baseball Classic.

“We don’t want to have him be in the heat of the battle in early March when he’s coming off a minor surgery,” Minaya said. “It’s minor, but it’s still surgery. We will have to use precaution.”

Omar Wants Manny; Fortunately Wilpons Don’t

Skimming through the Star-Ledger today I read the Omar Minaya would like to add Manny Ramirez to the team.   Sure who wouldn’t want a slugging left-fielder?

I don’t and the Wilpons don’t.

If you ever were going to get this guy it was last summer when the Red Sox couldn’t wait to get rid of him.  It’s not now and I’m glad the Wilpons don’t want a guy like this on the team.

For all the whining over A-Rod being a 24+1 player when he flirted with the Mets way back when, Manny is the epitome of 24+1.   He openly dogged it in games because he was in a bad mood.  Is that who you want on your team – or would you rather half a Wally Backman or a Lenny Dykstra?

Just say no to Manny.

Jets Just Lucky?

Really cool website here: Advanced NFL Stats.

And they wrote about The NFL’s Luckiest Teams which lists the Jets as the luckiest.

I estimate team luck by using my efficiency regression model to calculate each team’s expected wins–how many wins a team can normally expect, on average, given their actual performance in offensive and defensive running, passing, turnovers, and penalties. The difference between the expected wins and actual wins is what I loosely call team luck.

Teixiera To Yanks – Jeter’s Future Might Be Out Of NYC

I don’t care about the money.  The Yankees have the money, the Mets have the money.

Eight years of Teixiera means the Yankees are tied up at the corners for the next eight years.  

The captain will be 35 this season.  Even Ripken went to third.   Derek can’t go there, A-Rod is there.  Would they ever flip?   Derek can’t go to first until he turns 43.  Will the captain wind up playing out the string at second base….or with a team like the Royals?

It happens to everyone, even The Babe got to finish with the Boston Braves.

It looks like the Yankees really want to win this year to christen the new stadium.  How long until Manny comes to town?

Yankees To Offer 25 Cent Tix – What Will Ticketmaster Tack On?

Published: December 24, 2008
The Yankees and Mets are offering cheap or free tickets to exhibition games in April, but regular-season tickets will be less affordable than ever.

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