The Police at Shea. No Not the Mets Police, The Sting Kind

25 years ago today.  I didn’t get to go.

Here’s the Times from August 20, 1983…Link
”We’d like to thank the Beatles for lending us their stadium,” said Sting, the bassist and singer of the Police, near the end of the trio’s concert at Shea Stadium. The group topped the Shea Stadium attendance figures for the Beatles and everyone else on Thursday night because a way was found to pack in 70,000 people for a sold-out performance.
 I find this next paragraph funny in light of the recent reunion.   They did manage to reproduce the records this time around,  Stewart Copeland did amazing work on a few songs.

What makes the Police stand out among performing bands is that it never bothers to imitate its records. The trio couldn’t if it tried, since band members overdub extra instruments in the recording studio. So it goes to the other extreme, revamping every song in a gleeful whirl of improvisation. The Police is one of the few rock bands – along with the Rolling Stones, the Talking Heads and the Grateful Dead – that is willing to shake up its arrangements nightly.

I still hope McCartney asks to play there so I don’t have to hear about Billy Joel ever again.

Oucho Cinco and the Mets

Saw Chad Johnson hurt his shoulder – I have nothing to add I just liked the pun of Oucho Cinco. I guess he wont be beating Phelps in the pool this week.

Mets Police enjoying a nice day at the beach with a day game to keep company.

Good job out of Jerry and the Gangstas on beating up on lousy teams.

Jerry hasn't threatened to stab anyone in a while. I miss that.

I like that Jerry isn't Captain Hook like certain managers that seem like they've been gone a long long time.

I'm really looking forward to the Manny, Pedro and Damon 2009 Red Yanks on the north side of 161st.

Off to pet the seagulls. Enjoy the game.

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Famous Dodger To Be At Shea For Final Weekend

Mike Piazza, the great Dodger will return to Shea Stadium for the final weekend.

My spidey sense is worried that they will retire #31.   If they do that before retiring #17 that’s wrong.  (I almost used the word atrocity, but that should be saved for things like genocide, not a dopey uniform ceremony, but I digress).

The story is here.

Stop The Wave Petition (link) and Stop Getting Up At All While We’re At It

Mets Police support  The ‘Ropolitans Stop The Wave Petition.   The wave is done by people who started following the Mets in 1987, wear black John Franco jerseys and have never heard of Lee Mazzilli.

I will take it one step further.  Don’t get up at all.   Baseball should learn from hockey, and people should only be allowed to get up between innings (they enforce this in Philly).

If you sit within 5 seats of an aisle you miss half the game.   There’s nothing worse than being halfway up the upper deck at Shea with it’s continuous banister, carrying an $8 beer, and suddenly you have to “climb under” because the fat lady coming down ain’t gonna move.

Hopefully the super expensive Citi Field has breaks in the banister every 5 aisles or so.