New Yankee Stadium Ticket Prices

Some more info – from today’s Ledger.  Why do I feel like this is spin?

“Some front-row seats will cost $2,500, but 55 percent — more than half — of the seats will be $45 or less. Ninety-one percent will cost $100 or less. We made sure that 24,500 seats will not have a price increase. What you pay here, you’ll pay there.”

Last Game At Yankee Stadium: ESPN Robs My Son of Memory

Well it’s official – the September 21st game at Yankee Stadium (the final game) will be a night game.  I was going to take the boy.   At his age there’s no way he can stay awake until 11pm in a packed staidum (on a school night too).

I was hoping to gift him this memory (he’s quite young) so that even if he didn’t appreciate it now, he might appreciate it when he’s a man.

Once again ESPN strikes – it’s an 8:05 start and even daddy will be looking at his watch and hoping for a fast game.

Four Inning Pedro Goes, Well, Four Innings

Pedro Martinez, who ran out on the World Champion Red Sox five seconds after they won their first world series in a zillion years, pitched four innings today.  His record stands at ten wins since June 6, 2006.  He pitched a nice four innings, but that’s all someone can expect out of Four Inning Pedro.  If Jerry manages the way he did today, all will be well.  Four and out.

Mets win eight in a row.  

The Magic is Back.  Watch It Here.  Amazin’