Video Of The Rain Delay

The Rangers kill time Saturday night in an undomed stadium, as another undomed stadium rises nearby.

Open Letter To Howie Rose (Game 1)


Please stop telling us how hard the Mets have it. Oh those poor Mets have to play two games today, fly on a plane to Los Angeles, take a bus ride, and then play baseball again. Oh then those poor Mets have to fly from Los Angeles to Denver on Thursday. Oh the humanity.

Please stop. You just said (as I type) “most people don’t want to hear about it.” Correct. Stop.

I wonder who will manage game two today?

Congrats Joey Logano and Spain

Joey is an 18 year old NASCAR driver who won the Nationwide Series race tonight. Amazing! Don;t be a hater, that’s pretty cool for a kid in his third race.

Mean while in other sports you don’t care about, “my” Spain won their second game in the Euro 2008.

Mets Suck So Bad They Make The British Papers

Wow – they are writing about the Mets in The Guardian!

In sports, there are few things worse than a franchise completely falling short of expectations. When it happens, everything around that team turns toxic, and fans at Shea Stadium have been covered in thick poisonous clouds for some time now.

Olympic Nation Swapping

The Times is reporting of folks who became “newly minted citizens” to represent the U.S.A. in the Olympics. Is that really the point? To me that’s as bad as the Mets hiring “the guy from the Braves” (Glavine) to beat the Braves. That’s not what I want out of the Mets nor out of my own country.

Swapping Passports in Pursuit of Olympic Medals
Published: June 15, 2008
Foreign-born and trained stars have been contributing to the United States’s Olympic medal count since 2000 in a growing trend that blurs the national boundaries of the competition.