Hall of Fame Cap Debates

I’m away today, so while Cyclones Fan minds the store, I leave you with this generic post I saw on Friday. Now as I write this Friday night this might be the stupidest post ever while you Tuesday people debate Willie or the new manager or the Mets 4 game win streak or the 8 game losing streak or whatever is happening this morning. If they name Lee Mazzilli manager and I’m away from a computer all day – well that would be ironic. Anyway, I’m not around today.

This post debates whether or not Piazza should be a HOFer as a Met or Dodger. What about Pedro, Maddux and Griffey? Read it here, and I’ll see you tomorrow:


and here’s another good one about the Piazza trade from the Los Angeles view:

News Corp. miscalculated Piazza’s popularity and importance to the ballclub on and off the field. Piazza miscalculated that traditional baseball negotiating tactics would reap traditional results with a neophyte ownership familiar with Hollywood but not with baseball.

By Ken Gurnick / MLB.com LOS ANGELES — It’s impossible to think about the impact Mike Piazza had on the Dodgers without considering the impact Mike


Bloggers Unite!

Another loss.

Another Reyes Error. Appropriately he made the last out.

Willie is still here, without any guarantee for his job.

Mets lose again. I’m completely disgusted with this franchise, which is why this blog exists. The stated mission of The Mets Police is to call the Mets on the carpet for the stupid things they do. This was stupid. No vote of confidence nor a change.

So now the fanbase will be louder and louder and eventually Willie will go down. Omar you are now on watch too. Wilpons….sigh….you rarely get anything right. Please just go buy the damn Dodgers.

I propose to all Mets fans that we take the old negative “Dar-yl” chant that the Red Sox fans started….and we chant Wil-lie. Wil-lie. All game long, every game, until anyone else manages this team.

(In happier news, New York Times now using “Willie Watch” – you’re welcome Times!. It’s right here in the last sentence of this article: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/27/sports/baseball/27randolph.html?ref=sports)

Willie Stays!

Willie stays for now. I’m BBQing with friends and family so a quick hit from the Mets Police.

No guarantee from owners on how long.

Mistake on the Mets part – the fans stay unruly, the team stays distracted.

Willie Watch: The Meeting Is Now

NY Post reporting the meeting was at 2, and that Wilpons showed up at 1:20. My spidey sense thinks they all announce Willie will be the guaranteed manager for the year (to shut up dopey bloggers). Second place spidey sense says Jerry Manuel becomes “interim manager” for the year (boy that would be silly on several levels).

Unrelated – why are some basbeall teams off today? Hey MLB, nice head.

Also: The Mets’ June 1 home game against the Dodgers has been switched to an 8 p.m. start to accommodate ESPN. (NY Post)

The Curse Of Eddie Grant

Cool link here about The Curse of Eddie Grant.

Some say that it’s the reason the San Francisco Giants never win.

Others say it’s the reason that every single free agent that comes to Shea leaves his best game with another team.

Others still say it causes New York national league managers to lose their mind and say willy words like “machete.”


Legend has it, the only way a curse can be lifted on a franchise is to admit that a team other than the Dodgers once played here.