Again, I hope Pedro’s father gets healthy and lives a long long time.
However, I think he’s representative of all the things that made this franchise lose its way (even while going to a World Series) in the 1990s – you can read the post in the Archives (short version “Please welcome back our old friend…..Mike Hampton!”)
So I’m mighty surprised to see that Adam Rubin understands me.
…there’s clearly a different set of rules if Minaya has your back. I’m sure Chris Correnti, Martinez’s trainer, is a wonderful guy. He was even placed on the Mets’ payroll and given full clubhouse access this year. Of course, the second Martinez went away, so did Correnti, which tells you all you need to know about whether he was a team trainer or one player’s.
Bottom line: Martinez has made six starts since Opening Day 2007. And he’s made a grand total of 60 starts in four years as a Met. While his record is 27-17 as a Met, the team’s overall record in those games is 31-29. Players with equivalent number of wins to Martinez during his four years as a Met: Josh Fogg (28 wins), Esteban Loaiza (27) and Kyle Lohse (26).