Mets Fans Blow 4-1 lead; Bloggers 2-14 with RISP

The fans continued to let the Mets down last night as the fans were unable to hold onto an early 4-1 lead. Jose Overreyes (now batting .260) had a chance to blow the game open early, but fear of being blogged about led him to make the third out.

Even Willie Randolph agreed that cranky bloggers need to do better than 2 for 14 with runners in scoring position:

“Way too many missed opportunities. You set yourself up for a fall when you get that many opportunities early and don’t take advantage of it. It’s no secret. We’ve got to start swinging the bats better.”

Owner Fred Wilpon was not displeased because the Mets loss did result in yet another victory for Jackie Robinson’s Brooklyn Dodgers.

In other game notes, hideously ugly black jerseys were worn for the third straight game, and manager of the future Lee Mazzilli was in no way responsible for the loss.

Today’s matinee looks promising since one of the following words will appear in the boxscore: Santana, Maine, rain.

Mets Fever: Something needs to change

Good post you should check out

The craziest part of this is that Willie, based on his own comments is completely out of touch with his own team and the fan base. Willie believes that the fans are acting like they are because they aren’t over what happened last year, which tells me that he doesn’t realize his team is preforming just as they did in Sept. and that’s what the fans are responding to, which is something he should be responding too.

Black Jerseys Not Only Ugly But Cheap

Faboulous job out of Uni Watch.

Look closely at Santana’s sleeves.


(Definitely visit

Bobby Valentine Washes His Hands

Bobby Valentine (pictured here in horrible black jersey) has his own blog…and well…looks like he still has a sense of humor. This is on yesterday’s Q&A page:

Sani Hands asked:

Bobby, what is it like when you go to the bathroom in Japan? Are there good places to wash your hands?

As a matter of fact, the answer is yes. I’ve been very fortunate. I guess I don’t have the urge to go to the bathroom spontaneously so I have time to find the right place.

R.I.P. Chad Bowen (1982 – 2008)

Taking a break from policing the Mets for a moment to pass along some sad news.

Chad Bowen died on 4/21/08 just a week shy of what would have been his 26th birthday.

Chad was the winning pitcher in the first game the Brooklyn Cyclones ever played at Jamestown NY on June 19, 2001.

Drafted by the Mets in the 8th round of the 2000 draft, Chad was the Appalachian League Pitcher of the Year, Rookie League All-Star SP, and Appalachian League All-Star RHP. He also won the Doubleday Award in 2000 for Player of the Year for Kingsport prior to his time in Brooklyn.

He pitched for 4 years in the Mets organization, 2 of them at Brooklyn. Following his release in 2003 he spent some time playing independent ball before retiring.

According to the obituary he worked at Plumgood Food.

No cause was given for his death.

A 25 year old former Cyclone should be mentioned in the sports pages, not the obituaries.