The Jerseys


Jerry: So what’s this about new jerseys?

Steve: (excited) Yes! We’re completely redesigning them!

Jerry: But why? Everything was going so well.

Steve: (confused) Well?

Jerry: Yeah, people were happy with the Grimace and the third wild card…

Elaine: And Soto.

Jerry: (nodding) And Soto. The road jerseys were perfect.  Why would you mess with the road jerseys?

Steve: (leaning forward) Jerry, Jerry, Jerry… you don’t understand marketing.

Jerry: What’s to understand? The jerseys were fine.

Steve: (smirking) Exactly! They were fine. But you know what fine doesn’t do?

Elaine: Win games?

Steve: (ignoring her) Fine doesn’t sell new jerseys! Think about it – every fan already has our current jersey. But if we change them…

Jerry: (realizing) They have to buy new ones.

Steve: Now you’re getting it!

[Kramer bursts in wearing a prototype of the new jersey]

Kramer: These are gorgeous! And they come with a special QR code that lets you order McDonald’s right to your seat!

Steve: (proud) See? Innovation!

Jerry: So you’re changing perfectly good uniforms just to sell more merchandise?

Steve: (standing) Jerry, do you know how many jerseys we sold after signing Soto?

Jerry: A lot?

Steve: Exactly! And now all those people need new ones! It’s brilliant!

Chad, the Mets social media intern

[Chad the social media intern calls Steve]

Chad: Mr. Steve! The jersey announcement tweet just hit 100,000 likes! And people are already complaining!

Steve: (excited) Perfect! Controversy creates cash!

Jerry: (to Elaine) Remember when baseball teams just tried to win games?


Mets announcing one maybe two new jerseys on Saturday

The Mets chose their  in-house podcast to tease a jersey announcement for Saturday.

It’s unclear at this moment if it’s just a new road jersey (because the current one is perfect and Steve has to ruin everything) or TWO new jerseys.

Here’s a screen grab so you don’t have to look at the dopey podcast.

Now, LAST NIGHT this tweet was posted.  I don’t know if this is actually the design, but sure is a random thing to post the night before the Mets announcement, so someone maybe knew something.

I poked around the MLB Shop site where this was supposedly posted and don’t see it.  That said. it’s possible the page was temproarily live so they could test links etc.

Whatever is up, one thing the Mets did NOT need was a new road jersey.

As for this design – it’s the same mistake over and over.  While you might think the image below looks ok, the lettering will disappearand not pop.  It’s the same mistake as last year’s black jerseys and it’s the same mistake as the ld hybrid caps.

Here’s a 1987 era version where the white popped.  Orange would likely pop even more.

Will update as more is learned.

When are the Mets 2025 Giveaway Promotion dates?

 Some fun items on here! 

Is the “15,000” real?  I don’t hear fans complaining about NOT getting giveaway items because the Mets have ran out.  Maybe Legal is just claiming that number publicly in case they see ticket projections take a nose dive, but in reality they make more.  Just a guess.  Anyway, I don’t think “they ran out” is an issue.

FLUSHING, N.Y., January 16, 2025 – The New York Mets announced today the club’s gate giveaway schedule for 2025 home games at Citi Field. The 2025 schedule features 30 gate giveaways over the course of the season. Tickets are currently on sale – including memberships, flex packages, and individual game tickets – online at or by calling 718-507-TIXX. The first 15,000 fans will receive gate giveaway items unless otherwise noted.

Over the course of the season the Mets will feature 10 bobblehead gate giveaways including:

  • Mr. Met Empire State Building Bobblehead presented by Citi on Saturday, April 19
  • Edwin Díaz Bobblehead on Saturday, May 10
  • Mark Vientos Bobblehead presented by SeatGeek on Sunday, May 25
  • Hello Kitty® Bobblehead presented by Toyota on Friday, May 30, Saturday, May 31, and Sunday, June 1 for the first 10,000 fans all three days
  • David Wright Bobblehead presented by NewYork- Presbyterian on Sunday, July 20
  • Francisco Alvarez Bobblehead on Saturday, August 2
  • Mrs. Met Gives Back Bobblehead on Wednesday, August 13
  • Juan Soto Bobblehead presented by Delta Air Lines on Saturday, August 16
  • Francisco Lindor Bobblehead presented by Invesco QQQ on Saturday, August 30
  • Mrs. Met Taxicab Bobblehead presented by Cadillac on Saturday, September 13

Returning this season are several fan favorites alongside new apparel designs, player themed items and additional items including:

  • Juan Soto Players Pin on Saturday, April 5
  • 2025 Schedule Picture Frame on Sunday, April 6
  • Brandon Nimmo Hoodie Jersey presented by Invesco QQQ on Friday, April 18
  • Clay Holmes Hockey Jersey presented by Hyundai on Friday, May 9
  • Mother’s Day Clutch Purse on Sunday, May 11
  • Kodai Senga Replica Jersey presented by Nathan’s Famous on Saturday, May 24
  • Sean Manaea Camo Jersey on Monday, May 26
  • Pride Tank Top presented by Citi on Friday, June 13
  • Hawaiian Shirt on Sunday, June 15
  • Reversible Bucket Hat presented by Premio Sausage on Thursday, June 26
  • Juan Soto Replica Jersey on Thursday, July 3
  • Topps Baseball Cards on Wednesday, July 23 for the first 10,000 fans
  • Player Replica Jersey presented by Hyundai on Thursday, August 14
  • Shea Stadium Replica on Friday, August 15
  • SNY Players Pins on Tuesday, August 26
  • Pop-up Home Run Apple Figurine on Friday, September 19
  • Long Sleeve T-Shirt presented by Citi on Saturday, September 20 for all fans

Rounding out the lineup of gate giveaways for this season are items for the first 5,000 kids under 14 including:

  • Mr. Met Plushie on Saturday, June 14
  • Mini Bat on Sunday, August 3
  • Color-In Lunchbox on Sunday, September 14

There are many benefits to purchasing a flexible membership, including early entry on gate giveaway days. Visit for more information.

The 2025 theme night and ballpark activation schedule will be announced at a later date. Promotion dates, items and distribution are subject to change and/or cancellation.

Super Vague Mets Fan Fest is 10 days out now – with few details

Cap tip and Honor Amongst Bloggers to Media Goon for doing the leg-work on this one, so please give him his clicks.

The Mets are getting ready to host Really Vague Amazin’ Day, which appears to me to be a Fan Fest of sorts run by people who don’t seem to understand fan fests but are interested in monetizing fans.

There is a vague Autograph Session.  In the Parking Lot.  I am confident the Mets will bring in the finest tents and heaters and what not, but I follow a lot of Deep Weather guys on twitter and there’s an arctic blast coming, so good luck with this plan.  It’s a shame there isn’t a large building near the parking lot where one could let the FANS be inside.  (Sure “John Franco” or whoever they got, they haven’t said, will be warm, but what about the little kids on the line?)

Having been involved with the Queens Baseball Convention, as well as some other Fests as part of my work at MI6 over the years, the backbone of a fest is the panels.

The Mets have shared this vagueness:


Locations: Piazza 31 Club and The Citi Field Auditorium

Join us in the Piazza 31 Club and The Citi Field Auditorium for a full day of programming, including panel discussions with players and alumni, fireside chats with Mets leadership, live gameshows and more!

Access to Stage Programming in the Piazza 31 Club and The Citi Field Auditorium is first-come, first-served. Amazin’ Day VIPs will receive priority seating for programming in both locations.

Guys, this thing is 10 days out.  You don’t have an actual schedule yet?  Or is it that you don’t want folks to know that one of the sessions is getting Steve and a different session is getting someone “lesser”

And what’s with the sessions anyway?  Just let everyone in, and if the line to see Steve turns into a Hall H first come first served scenario then that’s fine.  We all make our choices at Cons, which you would know if you ever organized or attended one.

The rest of the day seems, to me, to be about Sponsors.   Media Goon has the details if you’re interested.


Winning is for Losers


Jerry: So, what’s going on with the Mets?

Steve: (casually) Nothing.

Jerry: Nothing?

Steve: Yeah, nothing.

Jerry: (confused) But I thought after Soto…

Steve: (interrupting, smug) We signed Soto and those idiots bought tickets. So now….. I do nothing.

Jerry: Nothing?

Steve: Yes Jerry, nothing. That’s how you make money. You sell a circus to fools.

Jerry: (skeptical) A circus?

Steve: (proud of himself) Did you not see the brilliance last summer with the Grimace?

Jerry: Yeah, but don’t you want to win?

Steve: (laughing) WIN?

Jerry: I mean, is the team even any better with Soto but no Pete Alonso?  Don’t you need more pitching?

Steve: (leaning back) WIN? Jerry, winning is for losers.

[Elaine enters]

Elaine: What’s he talking about now?

Jerry: Steve’s explaining his master plan of doing absolutely nothing with the Mets.

Steve: You know what happened when we signed Soto? We sold more season tickets than we have in years.

Elaine: So?

Steve: So why would I spend more money? These people will buy anything!

Jerry: But the team still needs pitching…

Steve: (interrupting) No, no. What the team needs is more promotional nights. We’re bringing back the Grimace!

Elaine: (checking her phone) Didn’t you just raise ticket prices again?

Steve: (grinning) Exactly! And they’re still buying!

[Kramer bursts in wearing a “Soto & The Grimace 2025” shirt]

Kramer: Steve! When are the Grimace bobblehead nights?

Steve: (to Jerry) See what I mean?

Chad, the Mets social media intern

[Steve’s phone rings, it’s Chad, the Mets social media intern}

Steve: I have to take this.

Chad: Mr. Steve! Great news! Our tweet about maybe bringing back the black jerseys got 50,000 likes!

Steve: (triumphant) You see? They don’t want championships, they want nostalgia and purple mascots!

Jerry: So this is your plan? Just… coast?

Steve: Coast? Jerry, I’m innovating! Next week we’re announcing a collaboration with Taylor Swift.

Elaine: What does Taylor Swift have to do with baseball?

Steve: (laughing) Absolutely nothing! But watch how many tickets we sell!

[Newman enters wearing a “Swiftie for Soto” shirt]

Newman: Hey Steve, is it true Taylor’s throwing out the first pitch?

Steve: (winking at Jerry) See? The circus sells itself.

Jerry: But what about actually improving the team?

Steve: (standing up) Jerry, while other teams are trying to win championships, I’m winning where it counts – in the bank. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go leak a rumor about Mr. Met dating a Kardashian.

Elaine: (shocked) Mr. Met is dating a Kardashian?

Steve: (smirking) Of course not! But tomorrow morning, that’s all anyone will be talking about.

[Steve exits as Jerry sits there, stunned by the pure cynicism of it all]

Jerry: (to Kramer) You’re not really excited about a Grimace bobblehead, are you?

Kramer: (dead serious) Are you kidding? I’m already in line! And I heard if you get there early enough, you get a limited edition Taylor Swift x Mr. Met friendship bracelet!

Jerry: (to Elaine) You know what’s worse than all of this?

Elaine: What?

Jerry: It’s actually working.