Mets Uni Patches for 2012 (My designs)

Hey everybody. I was having issues with my photoshop and I could not do a lot of the stuff I have done in the past with graphics. I am not going to lie, it drove me nuts.

I know there has been discussions about the looks of the uniforms next year and possible patches the Mets might use. I played around with a couple of different looks. More Patches after the jump. Which one do you like?  Hate them all? (Click on for bigger images)

RA Dickey Interview 8/19 Part 2

Here is the second part of the RA Dickey interview from Friday night’s game. I am sorry for the part of the video where someone decided that he didn’t need to walk around the camera like everyone else did. The group of bloggers Shannon and I were with Friday night did ask some really good questions.

To see the first part of the RA Dickey interview click here