This Mets video exists and well um…

You know those posts where I don’t even have to say anything…


Well at least I was able to embed a video without hacking it or making MLB Advanced Media go bankrupt.

So guys, I don’t want to discourage you from making videos – but seriously, me, Media Goon, David Wright, Mr. Met, one camera guy and half an hour on a Tuesday afternoon – we could get a lot done.  Watch one of the How I Met The Mets videos.

Alternate Mets Caps: Mets wearing these today edition

The Mets will be wearing these today (per the @newyorkmets twitter)

I am wondering if this is Mr. Met in an arguably racist costume…or if perhaps this is some redhead relative. Even I have a redhead relative.

This version with the green bill is what the Mets will wear.

I had a post already loaded today with the version below…but the above image comes directly from the Mets.

If you own either of these cap today is the only day of the year where you can wear one.
Today it’s cool.  Tomorrow it’s embarassing.

I have a rule that it is impossible to pick up women in a green Mets cap, but if it can be done – it will be done today and in this cap, probably by David Wright.  Good luck brave souls.

Sandy, we haven’t even begun distracting you yet.

I’m a little surprised at Sandy as quoted in The News about the focus on Ollie and Castillo.

“It’s a little odd,” Alderson said. “I think it does distract one from taking a look at the team as a whole and having a more balanced view of the team as a whole. It’s easy to focus in on a couple of negatives and kind of ride that into the ground.”

Oh Sandy, didn’t they tell you about us? We’re relentless.

Ask Buddy Harrelson. Ask Carlos Delgado. Blame Beltran.

Sandy you have had a Mets honeymoon like nobody has had since Seaver in 1983. Not even Davey Johnson escaped our nitpicking.

We like you. Madoff kept us distracted. The Knicks kept us distracted.

You haven’t even felt a feather of Mets rage.

You want distracting? Tell the 4 and 5 starters to get off to slow starts.

You want distracting? Put Ollie on the team and have him throw ball one.

You want distracting? Be casual with one sentence about Reyes (ask Omar how that goes.)

You want distracting? Start Lucas Duda on Opening Day

You want distracting? Tell Terry not to use K-Rod when up three runs.

You want distracting? Tell Terry it’s OK to use K-Rod up three runs.

Sandy, you’re a Marine. I respect you. I know you can take it and you’ll be fine. Man up and tell the team to play better, but distractions – we haven’t even started distracting you yet.