2009 for the New York Mets has only two outcomes. Win the World Series or call the year a failure.
I know full grown adults who have never experienced the Mets winning the World Series. It’s 2009 now, are you really nostalgic for the 2000 Mets? (link – The 2000 Mets Mean Nothing.
How about those Bobby V wild card teams? Remember those days with a twinkle in your eye?
2006 – is it really satisfying? It would have been OK if they had built off that (the way the 84 and 85 Mets are beloved).
A Wild Card isn’t going to cut it.
A Division title isn’t going to cut it. We did that in 2006 and mentally checked it off in 2007. Not good enough.
Going to the NLCS? Yawn. The playoffs are watered down, I’d rather daydream about 1988.
Going to the World Series and losing? Nope. Not going to cut it. I don’t want to go 25 years between rings.
The Mets need to win the World Series. This is a new start. Shea is gone and the Mets are flush with money whether they choose to admit that or not. Leave the losing over underneath the new parking lot.
They still need pitching (see here: Does Omar Hate Satrting Pitching?) ….oh yeah and a catcher and second baseman and two outfielders. Omar you have the cash (thanks in part to my tax dollars going to bailout Corporate Bailout Taxpayer New Shea Field – again nobody should use the corporate name until the Mets stop taking bailout money).
www.metspolice.com in no way receives bailout money from Congress.