What Mets fans talk about when not talking about the actual games.
I know a contract is a contract but when you read this:
The Treasury also will invest another $20 billion in Citigroup on top of the $25 billion of taxpayer dollars already invested in the bank this fall.
and you read this:
Citigroup Inc. announced it will cut 53,000 jobs over the next few quarters. The cuts come in addition to the 23,000 jobs the bank already cut in October.
and then you read this:
The 20-year deal, announced two years ago, was reported to be a record $400 million and entailed naming the new stadium Citi Field after it opened in 2009 in the New York borough of Queens, adjacent to the team’s old home, Shea Stadium.
“There is no change in regard to Citi’s commitment to the new ballpark,” Mets spokesman Jay Horowitz said in an email.
Another generic post while I’m hopefully not stuck at the airport and actually on a plane on my way back to Flushing….I found this last week and share it here so there’s something to keep the blog alive while I travel.
This guy gets sad talking to Mets fans.
I’m tempted to post the entire thing but that’s not cool, so here’s a clip and go visit his site.
So we are talking and he’s trying to tell me that the Mets are going to sign CC Sabathia over the Yankees. I just laughed in his face. I said dude “The Mets will never out spend the Yankees. The only reason they got Beltran and Santana is because the Yankees turned them down. Get Real.” He got all huffy and pompous but all the other dudes who worked in the bank almost pissed their pants. I just hate talking to Mets fans.They have an incredably skewed view of their place in the ecosystem.
So the blog has been on auto-pilot all week while I did some of my Clark Kent wok to pay the bills. I’m home now and decided to scan the papers and blogs and see what I missed.
Surely the Mets have acquired someone by now…or at least made a big bid for a free agent.
Nope. Nothing. Nothing to the degree that if you search “Mets” on google blog-search you get my dropey generic post about the Shake Shack opening at Shea.
Oops, I typed that naturally – old habits die hard. I decided not to go back and edit.
Shake Shack opening at Citi Field is what I meant to say. Which brings us to the closest thing we have for news: whill Citi even exist in April or will the Mets be playing at El Stadio Del Banco Popular or Mizuho Financial Group Stadium.
It’s the Mets, you know we’ll wind up with a dopey name.
In good news, maybe this silly blog is working. Read the next post down where I bitch about the NFL doubleheaders…we’re getting two games at 1pm today, hooray. It’s only because both the Jets and the Evil PSL Team are on the road, but I’ll take it.
This sentence is the obligatory Red Bulls mention. MLS championship today. Who cares.
If you live anyplace else you get something cool called the “NFL Doubleheader.” That’s where one channel shows both a 1pm game and a 4pm game. In one of those time periods you will find there’s a game on both channels. You may have even occasionally seen this when the Giants or Jets are off.
Unfortunately there’s a horrible phrase that I’ve heard since I was a child, “Except in New York.”
Yep the rest of the country will get to see the 11-0 team play the 10-1 team but you in New York get to see the 3-7 Jets take on the 1-9 Chargers (ok maybe not this year but you get the point.)
The NFL has this antiquated thinking that if there’s a “second” game on in New York suddenly people won’t attend football games. That’s right, it’s fine to send someone a $20,000 PSL bill but it’s the chance to watch Chiefs-Ravens that will make them give up the seats they’ve had for 50 years.
The Giants waiting list is said to have over 80,000 people on it. The Jets have over 10,000. I’m sure it won’t be televising the Browns-Raiders game to NYC that bankrupts the league, they seem to be doing ok.