Mets Fever: Several O’s pass through waivers….
Aubrey Huff is a good call.
What Mets fans talk about when not talking about the actual games.
Mets Fever: Several O’s pass through waivers….
Aubrey Huff is a good call.
Frequent contributor Osh41 is on the road today but sends the post below. Mets Police add that it was classy of WFAN to allow Russo to say goodbye on the air….listening now and he is crying. 19 years on the radio is a hell of a good job out of them.
Here’s Osh…
I know a lot of people are complaining about the abundance of beach volleyball coverage on NBC but I enjoy it.
That was a great job by May-Treanor & Walsh coming back against the Belgians, and great job out of the Belgians in that first game last night.
May/Walsh have been on an amazing run, not having lost in a year. An incredible dominating accomplishment, enjoy it.
I see Mark Spitz is getting grief for not showing up in Beijing. As he represents it, he wasn’t invited. If that’s accurate I gotta side with him. If he just showed up I think people were accuse him of trying to make it about him or take some shot about wanting one last minute in the limelight.
However, if invited he should show.
Either way, great accomplishments by both men, and Phelps complete dominance and margins of victory are nothing short of amazing.
I got nothing new for you. The kids are buzzing about this clip…skip to the end when Chad Johnson talks about Michael Phelps.