This dude has a BLACK #16 Cone jersey. Where do we begin.
A visit to the awesome Mets By The Numbers Website helps me remember when Cone wore 16 at all. I remembered 44 and the bad decision to switch to #17 (because why would they retire that?).
Give up? He wore it when he was a Met for a Month at the end of his career in 2003. After being a Yankee etc. Scarily I also saw a Cone 16 t-shirt in the mens room. Really.

Next we have a Lastings Milledge jersey. Not a good call. I guess he thought he’d be a star.
Finally, I leave you with some hope. Look at this fan. A blue hat with a pinstriped Mazzilli jersey. It was #13, where as Mets Police know that Lee’s true number was #16 which was being used by a cocaine addict in 1986 when Lee returned. However, any Mazzilli jersey is cool. Look at his friend next to him with the dopey black and orange wright jersey. I guess Wright was a 1984 Oriole.