What’s Black And Orange And Has Some Problems?

1.  Swept by Astros.   Bad.

2.   Maine on DL.   Very bad.   Jump on my Jon Niese bandwagon now.

3.   Wagner hurting enough that they brought up the closer from AA.   I like my home grown talent, but an August pennant race is not the time to lose the closer. 

A Niese win, Kunz save and a Daniel Murphy hit?  Not really the plan was it, but I’d rather lose with these guys then win with someone like Manny Ramirez or Four Inning Pedro (you know, the guy that ran out on his championship team five minutes after the parade) or Tom Cylon Glavine of the Braves.

The Jets Are Not Only Losers but Evil Too

Well, bend over, the Jets have announced they too will be stealing money from you for nothing, in the form of PSL’s.

Woody Johnson has the gall to say this: 

We understand the feeling of the fans. I think what we’re going to do is listen to the fans’ response from the questionnaires we sent out and we’re going to try to incorporate as many of those ideas into the way we package this PSL program to make it as fan-friendly as we can, recognizing the nature of our fans and how long they’ve been fans and where they sit.

See, it will be a fan friendly multi-thousand dollar check you will get to write.


Who Should The Mets Have At An Old-Timers Day?

Some day, the Mets will grant my wish to be named Director of Franchise Integrity, and when they do I will return Old-Timers Day to Citi Field.  (Or Shea if they hire me soon).

Who should be invited?

Top of mind:  All 69, 73, 86, 88 and 00 Mets, John Stearns and Joel Youngblood.

Let’s hear some suggestions!

Willie Watch!

We’ve kinda missed the Willie Watch since the Mets started winning games.

Willie showed up at Yankee Stadium today, where he belongs (being a former captain and all).

Lots more from Willie here.

In other news the Mets have added some more Irish-ness to their roster with Dan Murphy making his debut tonight.   Hopefully he’s a Hall of Famer so they can sell some more green Mets hats.

Mainstream Media Finally Paying Attention To Giants PSL’s

With the exception of Phil Mushnick (of course) the mainstream media has more or less been giving The Giants a free pass on the PSL’s.

The Times finally got around to it today, with a great piece – although I feel like I write the same thing a month ago (“Open Letter To…” over there on the left side of the website).

Anyway, it’s good to have more people fighting the good fight.

For the record I don’t have Giants tickets, nor am I a fan.  It’s just wrong.

Today the Times wrote about this ghuy:

He is 75, a former union lithographer, a gourmet cook by avocation, a passionate sports fan who is furious at the fan-gouging sports world in general and the Giants in particular, with good reason. He is one of the die-hards who got into Yankee Stadium 40 years ago, followed his team to the Yale Bowl and Shea Stadium and stayed in, for the last 32 in Giants Stadium, without complaint.

“There is nothing wrong with the place we’ve been playing in,” Palma said. “Why the heck did we have to move in the first place?”

 Amen brother.  The entire piece is here:  Times Writes About Giants PSL’s.

Prices May Send a Giants Fan to the Exit
Published: August 1, 2008
The Giants’ decision to implement personal seat licenses in their new, $1.6 billion stadium will cost them the loyalty of long- time fans who refuse to pay more for tickets.