Live at parade 4

Dave Winfield in the back of a pickup tells crowd 'everyone is so behaved and quiet.'

Younger associate doesn't know who Winfield is

Now Orlando Cepeda (very friendly) and Gaylord Perry (facing other way)

Phil neikro and a friendly bruce sutter.

A handsome eck with a very pretty presumably mrs eckersley.


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Live at parade 3

First up the nypd marching band plays 'take me out to the ballgame'. Very cool.

2nd some kids in asg uniforms

Both groups have turned left onto 51st which stinks if you're uptown on the carpet.

Weather is awesome. Another lull. There was good vibe now lost (but will come back)

Crowd compares to st. Patricks day parade up in the 80s. Two deep, nothing nuts.

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Parade Live 2

More mascots:

Tampa Bay Raymond

Indians Purple Guy – he's working it

I've decided i like 'the Astros Rabbit" Junction Jack

Rockies purple dinosaur guy

A lull now as we wait for cars.

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Live from ASG Parade

I'm at the parade as Clark Kent but will sneak in some posts. Good enegy here, not an amazing crowd (expecting 1 million???) but jazzed.

Camped out as mascots pass out trinkets. I like not knowing the proper names but so far we've seen

Mr. Met
Bernie Brewer
Nationals Eagle
Twins Bear
Padres Padre
Giants Lou Seal
RedSox Green Dude #97
Diamondbacks Baxter (huh?)
And now Astros Bunny

More to come

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Put Keith In The Hall Of Garvey!

Ok now that I’ve got your attention – the Hall of Garvey is something I invented a few years back. It’s a place for really good players who ain’t Hall of Famers.

Steve Garvey was the inaugural inductee.

Other names frequently nominated include Don Mattingly and Keith Hernandez. This week a friend suggested Gooden.

What say ye? Is Keith worthy of the HOG? Any other nominations?