Four Inning Pedro Goes, Well, Four Innings

Pedro Martinez, who ran out on the World Champion Red Sox five seconds after they won their first world series in a zillion years, pitched four innings today.  His record stands at ten wins since June 6, 2006.  He pitched a nice four innings, but that’s all someone can expect out of Four Inning Pedro.  If Jerry manages the way he did today, all will be well.  Four and out.

Mets win eight in a row.  

The Magic is Back.  Watch It Here.  Amazin’

Generic We’re Happy Mets Are Rocking 7 In A Row Post

Seven in a row.  Nice.  Wish I had something other to say other than nice home run, they are playing better and spunkier since Jerry took over….etc.   I’m happy…what a turnaround.  Very cool.  I just have nothing to say about this game other than I am happy they are playing well.

Tomorrow is Four Inning Pedro, so I expect a loss….would be nice to win Sunday night and hit the break 8 of 9.   

Don’t Do It Brett Favre!


Don’t do it.

Don’t leave the Packers.

Stay retired.  Or be a Packer.

Don’t be “that guy.”  Don’t be the guy that plays that one extra year with the Ravens or Bucs or Bears or Jets or whoever.

Don’t be Joe Namath in a Rams uniform.

Don’t Be Johnny Unitas on the Chargers.

Don’t be Jerry Rice, finding yourself in someone else’s number, hoping to make the Broncos.

Don’t be Steve Carlton on the Giants, White Sox, Indians and Twins.

Don’t be Tom Seaver playing half a season for Boston.

Citi Field ticket prices: uh oh is my math right???

The great Phil Mushnick wrote today about a guy he knows with season tickets. This is the first insight at all I know of into the price increases.

I’m mobile right now so let’s see if I can do some half-arse math.

Phil says his friends tix for four seats will be going from 33,300 to $56,700. Some quick division shows that to be 70 percent more expensive


Please someone tell me I’m a moron who doesn’t understand math.

$56,700 divided by 81 is $700 a game. Yep thats the same number Mushnick got. 4 seats – so now we know there are some $175 seats in Citifield.

I’m tempted to speculate on upper deck. Even a $5 seat would become $8.50

I’ll concede I’m fast and loose with the numbers here, plenty of assumptions being made, etc etc – but I’m sensing an expensive 2009.

At least there are no personal seat licenses. I think. Hope.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

RIP Tiger Stadium 1912-2008

I shed a tear for an old friend yesterday.

On September 27, 1999, Tiger Stadium played host to her final major league game. There were ceremonies, speeches, cheers and tears, as politicians and baseball officials, including owner Mike Iillitch waxed poetic about the old ballpark, all the while looking downtown to his shiny new stadium.

That was almost nine years ago, and in the ensuing time Tiger Stadium has been left to rot.
She was a landmark that nobody knew what to do with. Until finally he city of Detroit decided she had to come down.

So with the ceremonies and speeches but a distant memory, the wrecking ball hit her broadside yesterday.

No words – no ceremony – no fanfare.

Once the crown jewel of the city, she now joins most of the rest of Detroit as a relic of times past.
She was never the prettiest, never the frendliest, never the belle of the ball (leave those designations to Wrigley and Fenway). But she had history and she had balls. When it comes to old ballparks, if Yankee Stadium was a princess, then Tiger Stadium was a broad. Big and bold and brassy.

She had more bleacher seats than any other ballpark – two decks of them, stretching from foul pole to foul pole.

I went to college in Detroit and she became the first non-NY ballpark I ever set foot in, kick-starting a hobby that has now led me to almost 50 other ballfields (major & minor).
I can still remember the thrill of being there, of feeling that history. Countless classes skipped or homework ignored to attend games – especially during the summer of 91. Bleacher seats were always available for $4 and it was easy to sneak into the main section if you wanted to.

She also provided the impetus for me to get involved in politics for the first time. I joined the Tiger Stadium Fan Club and we campaigned against a ballot proposal to tear down the old ballpark and use public funds to build a new one. I picketed, handed out flyers, attended rallies – even got on CNN during a protest outside the stadium (I was holding a sign that said “Monaghan is a Greedy Monster”). We did win that battle – but eventually we lost the war.

I go back to Detroit about once a year now to visit friends, see my god daughter, and attend functions. Whenever I go I always make time to stop by the corner of Michigan and Trumbull to say hi to the old girl. She hasn’t been looking well the last few years, but like a true broad she was still proudly there.

Yesterday when I saw the first pictures of the demolition I realized I would not be able to visit her anymore. I shed a tear for her.

Goodbye my old friend – you will be forever missed.