Ponson and Geise: Sweep’d Be Nice
So I’m focused now on these ‘Yankees’ that the Mets face this week.
Seems that they are the former 1901 Orioles and also play in New York. They won a few chamionships last century which sort of makes them the Portugal of international exploration.
They are led by a left fielder named Christian who is hitting .400. Their rotation stalwarts are guys named Geise, Ponson and Rasner. They have a manager who has been there much longer than Jerry, so that could be an edge. They have an “overrated” shortstop who will finish his career with about 3800 hits.
Seems like tomorrow is very sweepable.
Also looking ahead to tomorrow’s papers:
– blah blah two stadiums article
– blah blah had to attend both games blah blah traffic blah blah parking could be tough!
– blah blah history of the series
– blah blah clemens piazza
– blah blah manager comparison article
Boring. Interleague play stopped being interesting when….well it never was. Give me a mayor’s trophy game any day.
Dopey Pirates Fan & Other Quick Hits
So two nights in a row now there’s a dopey Pirates fan sitting in the second row at Whatever It’s Called Stadium who holds up a Pirates, um, towel (?) every pitch. Loser. I bet he doesn’t even blog.
He’s almost (almost) as annoying as the woman who would shuffle her hands in a circle that used to sit behind home at Mets games.
SNY is showing some dude with way too many signs. Sign Man has been done. Get your own act.
Glad to see Andy Phillips was picked up for the Mets. I liked him when he was on the Yankees, and now it solves the “well who would play first base” question.
14-0 Rays. Still only a game out of first. This Kazmir guy they have is pretty good.
>All Star Ticket Charade
>Why did the Yankees tell us to try to get tickets at 10am this morning?
Three people at work all got through immediately on Ticketmaster.
We were all told in under one minute that there was not even one ticket available.
Why bother with the charade? Was it just to put a stub-hub ad in my face.
It’s 10:02 and I’ve already been shut out twice and posted to a blog.
All Star Game Looks Bleak For Mets
In the updated voting:
Wright is third.
Reyes is 5th.
Beltran is 8th.
I suspect we’re looking at Wagner and that’s it unless there are mercy picks because the game is in New York.