>Stuff That Makes Me Laugh


On the left there, the Jerry Manuel style of management has taken to international soccer. (Thanks Deadspin)
Goose Gossage says: “There’s not enough mustard in the city to cover Reyes. He needs to act like a professional. I don’t want this sport to turn into football where they dance after every play. I can’t stand that – the dancing, the laughing – there’s no place for that in the game. He’s not the first great player to play – I wouldn’t even say great because he hasn’t won anything yet.” (thanks ESPN)

And Letterman says, “Willie is pretty good about it. He said he’s looking forward to spending more time at home being booed by his family.” (thanks Letterman)

>Nieto's Fault

>I love a snarky post and ESPN’s Page Two has written the definitive piece on Tom Nieto.

The overall numbers say it all. From Opening Day through Monday, the Mets collected 419 singles, but just 124 doubles. The man holding runners up at first base, time and again? That’s right — Tom Nieto. This is not a result of small sample size — in 2007, with “Red Light” Nieto on the case, the Mets hit 294 doubles, but an astounding 1,045 singles. Not surprisingly, the team failed to make the playoffs.

Hilarious. click:

Stuff That Makes Me Laugh

On the left there, the Jerry Manuel style of management has taken to international soccer. (Thanks Deadspin)
Goose Gossage says: “There’s not enough mustard in the city to cover Reyes. He needs to act like a professional. I don’t want this sport to turn into football where they dance after every play. I can’t stand that – the dancing, the laughing – there’s no place for that in the game. He’s not the first great player to play – I wouldn’t even say great because he hasn’t won anything yet.” (thanks ESPN)

And Letterman says, “Willie is pretty good about it. He said he’s looking forward to spending more time at home being booed by his family.” (thanks Letterman)

Nieto’s Fault

I love a snarky post and ESPN’s Page Two has written the definitive piece on Tom Nieto.

The overall numbers say it all. From Opening Day through Monday, the Mets collected 419 singles, but just 124 doubles. The man holding runners up at first base, time and again? That’s right — Tom Nieto. This is not a result of small sample size — in 2007, with “Red Light” Nieto on the case, the Mets hit 294 doubles, but an astounding 1,045 singles. Not surprisingly, the team failed to make the playoffs.

Hilarious. click:

>All Quiet On The Western Front / Ugly Mets Attire

All quiet. J-Man hasn’t stabbed anyone. I can’t do the Willie/Omar/Wilpons thing again. So I thought I’d hit mlb.com and see what atrocities they’d like us to buy.

Ah the old swoosh logo. As popular as the Islanders Gorton Fisherman. At least it’s not black.

While wearing your swoosh shirt, why not wear this hat so we can punch you in the nose and steal your girlfriend.

Or maybe you should just get this stupid combo and look like a softball team…oh wait that’s the actual uniform this team chooses to wear. Well I guess black and blue are gangsta colors, so Jerry will be at home if he cuts Reyes. Do gangstas wear gray pants?