>Yeah NYers Are Tough – We Boo The %#$% Sun

>This is just too funny not to comment on.

In the 5th inning of the Yankees-Royals game at Yankee Stadium on Monday, with the temperature in the mid 90’s, a cloud passed in front of the sun, at which point the crowd cheered the brief respit.

When the cloud moved, and the sun came back out, the crowd responded by doing what New York crowds do – they booed loudly.

Yankee fans have a reputation for being quite obnoxious at times (I was there when they booed the Canadian National Anthem) – but this is classicly funny.

Yeah NYers Are Tough – We Boo The %#$% Sun

This is just too funny not to comment on.

In the 5th inning of the Yankees-Royals game at Yankee Stadium on Monday, with the temperature in the mid 90’s, a cloud passed in front of the sun, at which point the crowd cheered the brief respit.

When the cloud moved, and the sun came back out, the crowd responded by doing what New York crowds do – they booed loudly.

Yankee fans have a reputation for being quite obnoxious at times (I was there when they booed the Canadian National Anthem) – but this is classicly funny.

Salute To The Stadium?

NJ.com has now twice mentioned a “Salute To The Stadium” in November. They seem to be the e only mentions of this on the entire world wide web.

Anyone know anything?

Is there such an event scheduled?

it would be nice to know because right now bleacher seats for the September 21st stadium-closer are going for $278 on the official scalping home of mlb, stubhub. Unless you think the NYY’s can catch The Rays.

Torre looks a little blue – New York Yankees baseball – NJ.com
… that will require much work on the part of both teams — or if Torre returns for the planned “Salute to the Stadium” event scheduled for November. …www.nj.com/yankees/index.ssf/2008/05/torre_looks_a_little_blue.html – 40k – CachedSimilar pagesNote this

Where memories are enshrined – Breaking News From New Jersey – NJ.com
Mar 29, 2008 … There is a “Salute to the Stadium” event scheduled for November. And the team, the city and the NHL are working on setting up an outdoor …www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2008/03/where_memories_are_enshrined.html – 67k – CachedSimilar pagesNote this

5 Greatest Games At Yankee Stadium?

A&E Home Video is working on another set. This one is for the 5 Best Games at Yankee Stadium.

The problem is that they have to be games of which they have a complete copy – so that means 1970s and beyond.

What would you put on?

Here’s a starter list:

  • 2001 Word Series – Game 5. Best game I ever attended.
  • The Reggie 4 Home Runs game
  • Do they have the Maris 61 game or just the last inning?
  • Does the first game at the present stadium exist?
  • And how about the game where Suzyn Waldman lost it over Clemens returning – with the radio call dubbed over the TV feed.


>Bob Sheppard Hopes to Return July 1, Open New Stadium

>Bob Sheppard was interviewed by BustedHalo.com and dropped this great news!

My target date to be back is July 1. There is an All Star Game to be played at Yankee Stadium on July 15th and one of my goals is to be there and announce it. I did one years and years ago at Yankee Stadium but I can’t recall it. So now this would be something to remember. I do want to be there next year when we open a new Stadium. And I’d like to be the one who says, “Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen…Welcome to the NEW…Yankee Stadium.”

Halo worked hard on this one – so check out the full read here:
