Buck Showalter did not like Vulgar Pete Alonso’s F-Bomb

Good job by Buck Showalter who is not in favor of the vulgarity that has infected the Steve Cohen Mets.

Buck was on with Michael Kay and said the following of Vulgar Pete dropping an f-bomb over the PA last week.

“It’s just the venue you put it in, and people are always listening here and it’s just unfortunate because I don’t want somebody’s day at the ballpark to be less than it could be because of something someone heard that shouldn’t hear it.”

Buck also said

Yeah, it’s not a good idea and I don’t think you’ll see it happen again. I hope not.

Great job Buck!  Glad someone cares about the product.

Steve Cohen’s Vulgar Mets continue to be deliberately Vulgar and anti-fan

Before we begin today, I just want to point out there were a fair amount of empty seats out in T-Shirt land on Sunday afternoon in late innings.  I don’t quite remember what the Army slogan is – is it “loyal unless the game gets rained out, we aren’t going on Sunday” or is it “loyal unless it looks like the Mets are gonna lose this one so let’s beat traffic.”  (That seems to be the playoff version of the slogan).   Anyway, as you read this it’s probably an hour after it was posted and this post has zero likes and hi to all my new followers, thanks D.

Our topic is Steve Cohen’s vulgar Mets brand.  We’ve well discussed Vulgar Pete’s insistence on acting like he’s 10 rather than doing what I bet his agent wishes – leaning into being the All American Polar Bear and maybe cash some Coca-Cola checks.  Instead, Pete humps dugout railings.

But today isn’t about Pete, it’s about the Vulgar Mets.

Following the Mets’ Game 2 Sunday night victory over the Cleveland Guardians, in which they swept the doubleheader and series, Francisco Lindor was being interviewed on ESPN’s SportsCenter – until Verlander shut things down.

First Verlander yelled in the background: “F–k ESPN! Leave him alone, let’s go!”  (via Sports Illustrated)

Well Justin, your buddy Francisco Lindor may not realize this, but the reason you make millions of dollars is because of the fans.   And if you don’t want to be on ESPN, well maybe ESPN won’t want to be associated with your sport (ask hockey how that works out for leagues.)

Lindor, known thumbs-downer of fans, thought JV was funny.

Lindor, who laughed it off, said, “You see, he’s rushing everybody. That’s something I learned from him, so, thank you very much!”

That’s right, Francisco. Ha ha.  Let’s ignore the reporter trying to do their job.  Let’s not give the fans any access.  And let’s deliberately curse when we know we’re on TV.

Steve Cohen has managed to assemble an unlikeable bunch here.  I’ve stopped watching for over a year now and don’t miss it at all.  You do you Steve.  If this is what you want the Mets brand to be….have fun.

Post: Sen. Jessica Ramos blocks Steve Cohen’s casino bid next to Mets ballpark

Mr. Burns is a fictional character on the Simpsons, portrayed as a billionaire. In one episode he opened a casino.

A state lawmaker who represents the communities around the Mets’ Citi Field has temporarily blocked billionaire Mets owner Steve Cohen’s plan to build a casino and entertainment complex in the lots next to the ballpark.

… Sen. Jessica Ramos told The Post Sunday she would not introduce a bill in the final weeks of the legislative session.

“I had a very productive town hall on Friday which is going to be the first of many conversations I have with my neighbors,” Ramos said. “My neighbors and I are not currently in a place where it would be appropriate to introduce parkland alienation legislation.”

The lots and other property around Citi Field in Willets Point are deemed parkland — designated as part of Flushing Meadows-Corona Park back in 1939.

(Via NY Post)


I was thinking about this thing the Casino crowd has been trying to mind-trick you with where they throw around words like asphalt.

So let’s look at Central Park.  Maybe we shouldn’t have a skating rink.  Let’s tear that down and replace it with green space.  Or a casino. How does that sound?

Parks have parking lots.  I was in a different park yesterday.  I parked there.  That’s how it works.

None of that is a casino.  A casino is not a park.

If you want to open a casino, buy some land across the street on the part that isn’t a casino, and apply for a casino license.