When do the Mets bring back Daniel Murphy?

Some baseball players act like 12 year olds using swear words and humping the dugout railing.  Then there is a leader like David Wright.

Murphy told The Post on Friday at Fairfield Properties Ballpark in Central Islip. “My goals are to come out here every day and be as good a teammate as I can and play the game properly, play the game how David Wright taught me how to play it.


Murphy said. “The great thing is everybody is here voluntarily. We could be doing anything else and we’re here. I’m going to keep showing up as long as I’m still enjoying myself and as long as they let me.”

(via NY Post)


Hopefully Steve realizes he needs to trick some other team into overpaying for one dimensional Pete Alonso and makes Daniel Murphy the every day 1B while the Mets rebuild on the fly.  Who knows, maybe I would even tune into a Mets game again to hear the derision in Gary Cohen’s voice?

The Pete Alonso led Mets are 23 and 23.

The Case Against Gary Cohen: the drive cross-country test

I am not a fan of Gary Cohen.  It’s taken me a while to zero in why, and I think I have found a way to verbalize it.  I call it the Drive Across The Country test.

You’re going to drive from New York to San Francisco across I-80.  Who do you want as company?

I think a baseball announcer should be good company.  Easy on the ears.  Conversational.  Whimsical.  Fun.

Howie Rose in shotgun?  Let’s do it!

The late Bob Murphy (public persona anyway)?  Sure.   Vin Scully sure!

Keith Hernandez?  Awesome.  Ron? Sure!

Steve Gelbs??  Yeah totally.

Back In the day – Ralph (public persona), sure.  Tim and Steve Zabriskie, heck yeah!

Fran Healey – bad at calling baseball, but I bet you he was nice company.

Michael Kay?  Probably.

David Cone?  Sure!

A-Rod?  Yep.

John Sterling?  Definitely fun, my only hesitation is could John keep up as he is older now.

But Gary Cohen?  Would you want to spend 4 days in a car with Gary Cohen?

And that’s how I feel when I watch the games.  I don’t feel welcome.  Gary makes it sound like we should be honored to be in his presence.  He is not at all warm.

He also doesn’t appear to see the ball well, often (in my opinion) misjudging balls hit to the outfield.  Then there’s the case of the poorly called home runs.  Here’s an example of both….not reading the ball correctly, and then a forced catch-phrase.

I know that SNY has cultivated this “best booth in baseball” narrative – but that’s all because of Keith Hernandez. Ron is a nice solid #2 (always has been, right?) but Keith is the star in this booth? Gary? VERY VERY replaceable….see Wayne subbing in as a fine example.

I don’t enjoy my time with him, which is one reason I have stopped watching Mets games.

Is this someone you WANT to spend time with, or is he just the guy on your TV?

One might say he is a Net Negative.

The City: Steve Cohen Playing Hardball With Parking Lots for Future Soccer Stadium

Via TheCity

Mets Owner Playing Hardball With Parking Lots for Future Soccer Stadium

Steve Cohen has not agreed to a deal that would allow fans at NYCFC games park on Citi Field’s lots, hoping to leverage the land in favor of his casino bid.

Mets owner Steve Cohen is stalling on a pending deal that would allow soccer fans attending games at a future Willets Point stadium to park in Citi Field’s lot — holding out in hopes of getting city clearance to build a casino, according to multiple people familiar with the negotiations.

The Mets owner recently told City Hall and Economic Development Corporation officials that he won’t agree to any parking deal unless the City Council votes favorably on home rule, according to multiple people familiar with those conversations.

Support for a home-rule vote in the Council is so far scant. Local Councilmember Francisco Moya, a Democrat and soccer devotee who has pushed for the stadium, has not come out in favor of Cohen’s casino push. (via The City)


Mets now allowing Vulgar Pete Alonso to say the F word over the PA

I have railed against this LFGM thing since it started…but now the Mets are apparently OK with Pete saying the actual F word.  In the clip below Pete says “Let’s (Bleep)ing Go Mets” over the stadium PA!!!!!

Warning, the clip below contains foul language.

How Steve Cohen thinks this is OK is beyond me.

How Vulgar Pete thinks this is OK is beyond me.

How MLB thinks this is OK is beyond me.

Is this who we are? Is this who the Mets want to be?  Count me out.