Our old friend @ceetar – you know him, likely drinking a beer and talking about some “advanced” statistics – went to the Mets game.
He stopped off at Ebbs to see what they were selling.
So my opinion on the Polar Bear Palmer – it’s overrated. You would be fine getting rid of that and having a comparable beer and you could probably get a pitcher with it.
Then he headed off to Formerly McFadden’s which seems to be The Land Of Bad Decisions. This dude got a BLACK Lindor jersey? Dude, want me to spit in your beer for you?

Continuing the alcohol inspired tour, @ceetar may not like t-shirts, but he likes watching games from as far away as possible.
3000 beer calories weren’t enough, so why not eat this monstrosity.
Time for some more beer while looking up someone’s xFIP
He said something about a scoreboard but I was distracted by all the bright red ribbon boards which have RUINED Citi Field’s aesthetic but you guys are all Steve Cohen Apologists and won’t ever admit it.
@ceetar then praised the Elite Rich
And as for the overrated giant scoreboard advertising delivery device that even GKR aren’t shilling for
@ceetar went shopping – the Mets are selling Wrong Font Valentine jerseys for some reason. Guys, it was a quarter century ago and they didn’t even win a division title.
It seems Citi Field is as fan friendly as ever.
I believe this next item is some sort of food.
And the best part about attending games – you can’t even see the netting!
Thanks Ceetar!