Will the Citi Field casino exploit the local Asian-hertiage community?

Tell the loudmouth with the blog to keep his mouth shut.

You know, we don’t really need a casino….a rich guy could choose to cover the parking area and put some green space on the roof if he’s serious about the asphalt thing.


Youth organizer Yvonne Chen argues that the casino only exploits a community who have struggled for years to have their voices heard.

“Many Chinese people are already struggling with poverty in Flushing… gambling was a way for us to cope with our problems, family issues, mental health issues, trauma, financial situations and a loss of belonging of immigrants,” Chen said. “This casino can very well worsen this.”

American communities are their target demographics,” said youth organizer Boksun Park.

“So there are people out here openly stating that they’re willing to siphon money away from immigrant communities in order to line their own pockets. And we are standing by doing nothing.”

Another central concern of community members is displacement and gentrification, which has already disrupted the Asian heritage and low-income communities that reside in Flushing. Organizers say that the casino will only continue to raise rents, pricing locals out and forcing small businesses to shut down.

“The casino will only exploit our community’s poverty and mental health issues, issues that especially impact the immigrants in Flushing, as well as tear down the hard-earned livelihoods earned by our parents and elders,” said youth organizer Sophia Lin. (via ASAM News)

Did Mr. and Mrs. Met move out of Citi Field and get a place in Manhattan?

It had been clearly established in commercials that Mr. Met was living in a suite at Citi Field.

As recently as March 29th he was claiming to live at Citi Field

Why he would introduce himself in a black jersey is bizarre but let’s not bog down in that today.

On Opening Day, Mr. Met tweeted this!

Why would he be taking the LIRR to the game if he already lives at Citi Field.

At first I thought maybe they moved out to Long Island, as many Mets fans wind up doing. Not crazy.

However,  as I brought this up on Opening Day, fans told me it was a train from MANHATTAN to Citi Field.


1. Steve Cohen kicked Mr. Met out so he could rent out the skybox and make more money.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Met had a “date night” and decided to spend the night in “the city” instead of taking an Uber to Seaver Way

3. Mr. Met realized the casino is going to ruin the neighborhood and decided to sell his Citi Field condo before market values crash

It’s all very strange.

Mr. Met has also been spotted with his hat off a lot lately, and wearing non-Mets attire.  Something is going on here.  Maybe he’s kinda had it with the Mets?  I understand Mr. Met, I understand.

New York Post: SNY announcers forced laughter hurting Mets’ broadcasts

Phil Mushnick gets it!  The topic: Gary, Keith, Ron and Gelbs.

They too often erupt in unnatural phony laughter, often to prove to audiences that they “get it” and too often followed by Cohen’s insistence to get in the last word, even if it deflates mildly amusing exchanges.

The ensuing “Hah, hah, hah!” sounds coerced, like the work of a cattle prod.

And viewers are left to ask themselves, “Do they really think that was that funny?

Good stuff Phil!  Now do something about how Gary mails in home runs and how




is the same poor home run call that forces a catch-phrase at the expense of capturing the moment or the actual play.

Mets Opening Day Game Notes

The Mets are already three games back!

The Mets are 40-21 (.656) in Home Openers, including 10-4 at Citi Field…The Mets won their home opener, 10-3, against Arizona last season…The have won it in each of the last three seasons and in seven of their last eight years (2022, 2021, 2020, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015).

The Mets are on a season-long three-game losing streak…The streak matches their longest of the 2022 season (6- 26-29, 7/17-23, 9/3-6, 9/12-14 and 9/30-10/2)….The last time the team lost four or more games was when they lost five straight from 9/21-26, 2022).

Pete Alonso, strike three.

Vulgar Pete Alonso  has a 14.4 percent strikeout rate over his last 50 games, the lowest in any 50-game stretch in his career…He’s struck out just four times in 30 PA this season (13.3 percent)…Each year he’s spent in the majors, his strikeout rate has decreased…He punched out at a 26.4 percent clip as a rookie in 2019…Last year, he posted a career-best 18.7 percent strikeout rate.

The Mets announced they’ve whored out their uniform to an advertiser

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FLUSHING, N.Y., April 6, 2023 – The New York Mets and (a sponsor) today announced a new long-term partnership….

 (an advertising) patch will be featured on the Mets uniforms, the first jersey patch partnership in the team’s 61-year history. The patches will debut in the home opener at Citi Field, which is not being played right now because it is 80 degrees and sunny out.