The updated history of Mets green uniforms and caps

In an annual tradition, there’s nothing like a Mostly Rerun Post that is also Uni Watch Click Bait.  Come on Paul, you know you wanna link…..

As always, we begin with the Green Murph.

One of only 5 such Murphy 28 jerseys known to exist to mankind.

2012 mets st. patrick's day murphy

The one above is not mine, but actually Nick’s.  Nick is not messing around. He also has the Kid 8 patch on his 28 who emailed me a few jersey pics.

Nick really brought his A game. Here is a 1985 version via Mitchell & Ness. If you don’t know who 18 was on the 1985 Mets then you are in the middle of the wrong post for your level of nerdiness.

1985 mets st. patrick's day jersey

This next one Nick says is late 1980’s, but MBTN shows Mark Carreon wearing 45 in 1990 – regardless, Lukas is gonna lose his mind when he sees the font.

mark carreon mets st. patrick's day jersey circa 1990

The next one Nick says is early 1990’s. Hubie Brooks? D.J. Dozier?

early 1990's mets st. patrick's day jersey

Next, Nick shares his 2006 Joe Smith.

2006 mets st. patrick's day jersey

And finally Nick has this 2008 style. I think I boycotted these or wasn’t in jersey-mania mode yet. You know who #5 is right?

2006 mets st. patrick's day jersey

This next one wasn’t an on-field one, but it’s back from when the Mets did Player’s Choice jerseys (those were cool fun) and this is one of my favorite possessions which I got for $30 in the team shop the year Murph was out and you Ike Hypers thought we’d never see Murph again.

You can see the cool front here…


Here are some Mets caps from over the years.    I find the third one “racist” (for this post lets just use the word to mean perpetuating a stereotype, and we can parse language some other day).

People get mad at me for calling out this cap.  (It’s cool to be racist as long as its Mr. Met being racist or something.)   I would like to point out that the Mets have not broken this out in a few years.  Bravo Inclusive Mets.

The first one cap is boring and the middle one an abomination.

mets 2013 st. patrick day caps for sale


Again, good job by the Mets moving away from that ill-advised stunt cap.

This was the boring 2016 cap.  Looks like this is a league wide template and everyone gets white on green. Zzzz. At least it doesn’t have a stereotype.


2016 mets st patricks day

For 2017, this cap

And for 2018 which is not as nice as last year’s.


Here’s my not-inexpensive Green Reds Seaver.  I don’t think I have worn it, maybe once, because I am afraid to get it dirty.

mitchell and ness seaver reds st. patrick's day

mitchell and ness reds seaver st. patrick's day



Here’s a screen grab I took in 2015.  There is that yucky racist Mr. O’Met.  Again, for those of you who get mad why don’t you imagine what that cap would look like on say Cinco De Mayo or Chinese New Year and tell me it’s still cool.

Fortunately this cap seems to have disappeared as people become more aware of the issues.  In general, I didn’t find too many offensive stereotype driven products this year.  Good job everyone!

racist mets green cap


This is my old Original Irish Night cap I have from way back at Shea whenever they did Original Irish Night.

original irish night green mets cap

And here’s probably the best of the Irish caps.  The Irish hybrid.  And yeah that’s Regis Philbin!

terry collins regis philbin

And now the non-rerun part.

This is the 2019 cap.

And the 2020 and 2021 cap.

and in exciting “new content” it’s the 2022 and 2023 caps.

The best of the set is the “Regis Philbin” combo.  The Mets should do this.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, and remember don’t embarrass my Irish ancestors by acting like a buffoon.

Nobody is watching the World Baseball Classic, what are we even doing?

Let’s take a look at Monday night’s ratings. You will notice there have NOT been articles or press releases about how many people are watching, so I will do the work/

The Team USA game, which started at 10pm as Baseball continues to grow the game – drew 762,000 people.  Wrestling’s 10pm hour drew a million five.  The 10pm NBA game drew 1.8M.  GUTFELD at 11pm drew 1.7M

The 7pm game, the kind of game you might lose a closer in (but not THAT game, I am talking Monday here), drew….wait for it….394,000

Well, let’s take a look at Tuesday – Team USA had the day off, but there was a game on at 10pm which drew, wait for it, 395,000 people.  The 7pm game drew 377,000 people.  The NIT game at 7pm drew 569,000.  Fixer to Fabulous at 9pm drew 1.1 million.  Maybe MLB should just have players fix up homes?

Mets closer Diaz injured at stupid World Baseball Classic tournament nobody is watching

Nobody hates the World Baseball Classic more than I do.

You see, my mission is to encourage the Mets to win the World Series while nicely dressed.  That is all I want, and then I will end the blog.

Sending players off to play in some made-up tournament that NOBODY IS WATCHING does not help.  Anyway let’s get to this morning’s news…

Well that’s rotten.

Look, I am not a monster, I hope the man is OK – but I am still going to rage about this.

Did anyone see this coming?  Oh wait, I did. 

The Baseball Mafia, who are people who make a living based on the success of baseball doing well, are saying this could have happened anywhere.  Maybe, but you know who ISN’T hurt?  EVERYONE ELSE’S CLOSER.

The Baseball Mafia also is saying what a success this tournament is.  Look guys, I don’t want to hear about the ratings in Taiwan and Mike Pizza’s Insurrection Espresso Machine.  Show me the domestic ratings.  You don’t have a story because if you had one, the FOX Sports PR would have issued a release.  There has been silence.  Nobody is watching this.  Why are we even doing it?

Be angry!!!!!

Also, I want to remind y’all – you didn’t like Diaz. You liked Kelenic.  Until Diaz was good then you loved the guy.

I’ll leave you with this image of Diaz pitching in 2023. It may be the last one you get.

Citi Field parking for Mets games is now $40

The nice folks over at report that Citi Field parking is now $40!

I have some questions.

  1.  Why?
  2. Why are you going to a baseball game anyway? Baseball is boring and the SS openly hates Mets fans.

When the Mets make the playoffs (everyone makes the playoffs now) parking goes up to $60 because obviously the cost of operations jumps 50% after September 30th.

On the other hand, you should be thankful there even IS a parking lot – imagine if someone had turned the parkland into a casino.

Why do Steve Cohen’s Mets market the guy who turned on the customers?

Dear Steve,

You have the Polar Bear.  You have the defending batting champ. You have two stud pitchers. You have a guy with a ghost pitch.  Why do you market the guy that did THIS to your paying customers?

You have enough money that you should have assigned this guy to AA Siberia.  I understand why you didn’t, but I don’t understand why you market him when you have so many choices.

Pick someone else.