Remodeling at The MPHQ museum

Some new additions on this Christmas.
 We have the Craig Swan subway ad. Below it a gift from @mediagoon. Next to that is The Holy Grail. The empty space below the blue piece will go to a gift from my daughter, mounted Wright and Santana cards. I need more wall hangers.
 The larger Mazz bus ad has been on display for a few years but slides over.
 Rotating out are some pennants from the All Star Game and the 50th. I’m sure they will see some love down the road. I only have so much wall space.

Pretty cool, right?

Behold, the Holy Grail

Look what I acquired!!! (Temp off center framing job with lousy help from Junior but I can’t ask Mrs MP now while she makes dinner)
 @mediagoon if i kick make sure this finds a good home.
 You kids are like wtf? This is The Lee Mazzilli Poster. It once hung in my room only to disappear with my baseball cards, matchbox cars, 1701 poster and numerous other things. Now it shall hang in my home.