Cool The7Line Bleed t-shirt design

the7line bleed

Just got my newsletter from The7Line which tells me

Gettin’ cold out there huh? Tomorrow at 11am we’re releasing the “Bleed” t-shirt (men’s and ladies) along with two sweatshirts. The NY and Emoji Mr. Met prints have been two of our most popular this past baseball season. Now they’re available as sweatshirts!.


That bleed design is pretty cool even though I tempted to make zombie jokes and jokes that we should throw blood on all black jerseys.  But it looks nice.

Maybe the Mets can wear Bleed Alt Jerseys one day.

@mediagoon’s Jersey Reboot List Jersey 3

Shannon hijacked my jersey list from two off seasons ago and I lost track of what I have actually posted. Shannon hates reboots so to get back at him, I am rebooting my list.

Not a Mets Jersey but a cool Zombie jersey from the 66ers.





So yeah, I love zombies and baseball… look at the tire treads….