Pictures of Mrs. Met with other mascots continue to appear

Mr. Met joins twitter.  What could possibly go wrong…

Well first this happened.

Then this…


And now this!!!!

I was still giggling over the Slugerrr (with three Rs) photo, but that last one really has pushed me over the edge.

I can’t decide if I hope they are just having a good chuckle out in Queens or if there is going to be some ridiculous Emergency Meeting to find out What Are We Going To Do About This.

Oh LOLMets, I love you so.  You make blogging so easy.

Zack Wheeler hopes to follow Matt Harvey’s footsteps this season with Mets – NY Daily News

santa murphy

When I met Zack at the Mets’ Christmas party he immediately became my second favorite Met because I really dug his vibe.  Nice article about Wheeler in the News.

“But we’ll see. If a hot model comes along, so be it. Why not, right?’’

via Zack Wheeler hopes to follow Matt Harvey’s footsteps this season with Mets – NY Daily News.

Meanwhile ICYMI, Osh41 wrote that if Harvey wants to be like Jeter then Harvey needs to shut up.

Might have to get me some Wheeler Camo.

If Harvey wants to be like Jeter then shut up

Osh41 emailed me this and asked me to write about it and I said, “Why don’t I just post your email?” He agreed.  I added the bold and the link.

Didn’t he say he wanted to be like Jeter in that article last year??  Then he needs to shut up – Jeter separated his shoulder opening day one year and was out for a few months.  Didn’t hear a word. He said he was RETIRING and I haven’t heard anything out of him since that press conference.

The facts are – you have 12 career wins and made last summer fun.

Talk less, rehab and dude it’s not all about you.

