Wayne Hagin drops a we

I was listening to the radio-cast last night when something in the second inning caught my ear.  Wayne Hagin said, “there’s the double play we were looking for.”

The Mets were on defense.

I don’t know what is in Wayne’s heart or who the “we” was.

Did he mean that he and Eddie Coleman (in for the missing and missed Howie Rose) have been searching for a double play?  Did they need one more for their collection?

Or…did homerism creep into the Bob Murphy Broadcast Booth?

I’ve listened to lots and lots of Mets broadcasts over the years, and sure an announcer will get attached to the team, sometimes they will even get excited when the team wins the damn thing….but I don’t recall and out and out “we” before.


The Howie-less booth always draws my attention.  One thing I have noticed about Wayne is that he will say “umpiring behind home plate, C.B. Bucknor” with the same cadence and enthusiasm as “and that’s Johan Santana’s third consecutive no-hitter.”  No modulation of loudness or tempo.  Listen for it.

Conversely Howie will guide you with his voice.  He will speedupbecausetheoutfielderisrunningtothegapandthatballisgonnadropin!!!!

Howie rules.  Unless locked in a booth for years with Fran Healy…who did modulate his voice.  I think I just disproved my entire point.  Ha.  Ex-truh BAY-ses!





8/1 Mets Crowd Shots

Thanks for sending these in.









Thats from top of the 3rd. Thanks JoeLoverde81 on twitter.











thanks to mskatiebordiuk on twitter.










and this is from the 1st inning..thanks to sclevine on twitter.

Now Shannon, go have the guest vacate the better then # 5’s deck so I can eat.

Mets Murphy Hit Count to 300

8:04 Murphy is 2 for 2 in this game so far.









As of 7:40 pm tonight the Dan Murphy hit count to 300 is at 297….I was fed some erroneous info before, but that is what happens when you get called into fill in for the starting pitcher who is stuck in traffic.










Come on Murphy you can do it! We here at Mets Police Believe in you.