Cool old New York Giants cap

Good morning Mets fans,

Busy weekend as “Daddy” this weekend starting with right now where I’m probably at soccer or baseball or eating donuts (probably two of the three).

@yvaithe bought this cap recently, and if memory serves me right he bought it at Citi Field.

What’s interesting about this cap is that it shows that while blue and orange work well together, so do black and orange.  The problem becomes when you try to mix black and blue, say on a hyrbid cap.

Philly newspaper calls Mets fans ‘stinking’

What the heck is wrong with that town? Good to see there is a high level of journalism. You wouldn’t want fat guys covering a team from their basement when you can have paid professionals turning out work like this…

Check out the Philadelphia Daily News:

Dwindling numbers of stinking Mets fans are invading Philly


I have been thinking about this all morning.  Why all the hate?

Why can’t I come to Philly, wear my Mets gear, and mind my own business.

Why can’t I root for my guys from Fairfax Va and and Villa Gonzalez DR to beat your guys from Oakland CA and St. Louis MO at baseball while we spend our disposable income on entertainment?

It’s not as if we are some tribes all from the same square mile and 10 years ago we burnt down your town and stole your women and children.  It’s a bunch of young men hitting a ball with a stick.

I know that the Philadelphia Daily News is not the Phillies and I assume that they don’t speak for all Phillies fans, but I’d love to see someone down there encourage their fellow citizens to treat visitors with respect.  Maybe we could start with the Sunday Philadelphia Daily News and a letter from the editor.


Who fits into XXL and wants a Mets swoosh jersey?

On eBay right now!

Thanks to Dan who is having a pretty good week following me calling him a slacker.

Also thanks to Mrs. Mets Police for picking up some Wendy’s. Their mushroom cheeseburger is yummy.

In other HQ news the pool is open, but the water is blacker than a black Mers jersey. Time for a new cover.