Why not? Another rant about Los Mets jerseys

Good morning Mets fans,

You may be asking yourself…what brings this on?

Well – an email from Ebbetts Field Flannels did.  They are celebrating Latin Baseball Month. Shall we….

First we have Elefantes, a Cuban league team.  Note that it does not say Los Elefantes.

Also from the Cuban League, how about those Tigres!   Note it doesn’t say Los Tigres, much like Detroit doesn’t say The Tigers.

What about other leagues?  Here are the San Juan Senadores.  Once again notice no Los.

So it’s fairly obvious that adding a tiny Los is idiotic, right?

So you ask, “Shannon, don’t you want the Mets to have a snazzy jersey for whatever they call the occassion(s) when such a snazzy jersey would be appropriate?”

Sure.   The answer lies in what to put on the jersey.   There doesn’t seem to be a Spanish word for Mets other than Mets.  Los Mets is as stupid as wearing a jersey that says The Mets.  So why not do what the Knicks did…

Just wear NUEVA YORK road-style jerseys at home.   Don’t let your brain get fried by worrying that they don’t wear the city name at home.  They already wore Mercury jerseys and jerseys with tiny Los on it, not to mention like 15 years of looking like idiots in black so let’s not stress too much about a NUEVA YORK .  It would look great in the traditional road font.  Hell, make a white version – they’d probably sell a ton.

Dave, did you read that last sentence – you will sell a ton.  White NUEVA YORK.   Trust me.

In case you missed it I have rolled out Sports Police which I hope you will check out.

George Foster Boot Camp

I’m a little confused on this next one. Warning, I don’t know what the hell this is so read and click at your own risk.

I got an email:


I need your VOTE!

I have the opportunity to host Baseball Boot Camps across the US through a grant from Pepsi. The camp teaches military discipline and baseball skills to boys and girls 8-18. We would travel to cities in the US where our soldiers are deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan to support the military families.

As an extra incentive, I will be giving away autographed items DAILY when you vote.

Here’s How:
1) Go to www.refresheverything.com

2) Click on Join Refresh Everything on bottom left of page.

3) Enter information to sign up.

4) Go to $250,000 Grants.

5) Click on Red (Health) tab.

6) Find – Vote for “Support Military Families all over the USA” (in red probably near bottom)

6) Click VOTE.

***VERY IMPORTANT*** You can vote for 10 different projects per day. However if you vote for any others in the $250,000 category, you CANCEL YOUR VOTE for me!

7) Reply to this email with your name and email and you will be entered for today’s prize.
8) VOTE TOMORROW at www.votegeorgefoster.com
There is a short cut on the site!

PLEASE VOTE EVERYDAY – The top two grants with most votes are funded.


Thanks for supporting our troops and their families!

George Foster
Foster Safe Youth Network

I was like “George Foster Boot Camp?”  Pepsi something?  Jumped on Google.  Found this.

I still don’t understand, but OK George we’ll vote for you.