iPads welcome at Citi Field

Over the weekend I mentioned iPads are not welcome at Yankee Stadium. As you may know, the terrorists two chief weapons are iPads and bags.  And caps.

Three, three chief weapons: iPads, bags, and caps.  And suntan lotion.  Four, four weapons….

Meanwhile in a friendlier atmosphere:

“We not only welcome Yankee fans but we welcome them to bring their iPads,” explained Goldberg. “As long as the device can be turned on and checked by security the iPad can be bought into the park.”

That from a Mets rep.  More here.

The Mets also don’t make me remove my cap before entering the building, understand that I might have a bag with me, and realize that in 2010 many people have cellphones.

A quiet night at the ballpark

Thanks to everyone who made it out to McFadden’s last night. As I mentioned in the previous post I stuck a bunch of photos on metspolice.tumblr.com (the tumblr exists to make it easier for me to so such things).

I found Citi Field to be dead quiet last night. The paid crowd was 33,000+ but Citi must secretly seat 66,000 because it sure felt and sounded half empty.

I don’t have a proposed solution. The Noise Patrol is not the answer. The crowd is either into the game or not.

Maybe it’s hard to get excited when a knuckleballer has two strikes on a batter? Come on, float one by him!

From the stands Dickey’s pitches looked slower than slow. I wanted to slap on a red shirt and take some hacks (don’t worry, I’d never hit it out of the infield and I am quite slow).

I could see Dickey turning into a crowd favorite. He has that underdog vibe, and winning always helps.

I’ll tell you who was loud, the Phillies fans. Quite a few folks came north and the redcoats are better organized than the Blue Cap Army.

My seats were in Promenade right field. I hadn’t sat in a high aisle seat out right before and I will tell you it is much closer than left. If someone offers you a seat in say 502 or 535 take 502.

Those seats were part of the six packs (was it 6 or 5 I can’t remember) and I think bundled with Opening Day.

There were about 4 sections worth of packers and then a noticeable gap to our left where there appeared to be two unsold sections.

I’m not in ticket sales but my take was that the packs didn’t do so well.

Then again maybe without packs there would have been six unsold sections so by that measure it was a big success. When Dave Howard and I finally watch a game together in Promenade Left (tickets and first beer are on me) I will ask him.

I was the jerk walking around snapping photos of random jerseys (see the tumblr). What was fun was when I poster the guy with Cancel 4 and his friends on Twitter (@metspolice) recognized him! Also fun were McEwing and Dave Parker (that’s random).

It was nice to see the Optimal Reyes last night. That’s the Jose that so many see in their mind’s eye, but I fond so rarely actually shows up in games. Hopefully Optimal Reyes will stick around.

Had a nice chat with Matt from Metsblog who asked how the site was doing. As I told Matt it’s interesting – there are more readers than ever, there is growth in the number of readers every month, yet the content has been different this year. The first two years I wrote a lot (A LOT) about things the Mets did wrong, but this year there have been many “Mets Police” type topics to write about.

That’s a good thing. I don’t make up topics to pick on them about and I always write what I feel.

The Mets are a soap opera. We’re always five minutes away from someone getting injured bowling or someone announcing “Terry Pendleton Night.”. There will be something to wrote about.

(Boy I write choppy sentences. I don’t know how those Faith and Fear guys are able to write their essays).

Links: Mets HOF, Straw’s Restaurant, Rusty and two about Wright

Some links from around the Metsiverse:

The interview I wish I’d thought of:  behind the scenes at the Mets Museum!

Strawberry is opening a restaurant in Douglaston?

A look back at Rusty’s first tenure with the Mets, the one you’re not old enough to remember (probably.)

Two DW-centric pieces from ESPN:

David Wright is pretty good on defense.

what it’s like at the plate once you’ve been beaned.

I really enjoyed the Museum article but I’m going to save one quote from it for a rainy day…here’s Tina Mannix, the Mets’ senior director of marketing:

“We are very proud of the Jackie Robinson rotunda and we realize that we are a product of the Dodgers and the Giants. It’s fact. We wear the NY symbol because of the New York Giants and we wear orange and blue because of the blue of the Dodgers and the orange of the Giants.”

..and the black because?