Reyes Third? Jerry What Are You Thinking?

Multiple reports out yesterday say that Jerry Manuel is thinking about batting Jose Reyes third.


I came to like Jerry last year, but even the thought of doing this makes absolutely no sense. Reyes (or as my Mets Police colleage calls him Over-Reyes) does not have eitther the discipline or the tempermant for that slot. Plus, why would you put your fastest player in the three hole? Can anyone show me where that has happened before?

If this is the type of decision Jerry’s going to be making in 2009, I really fear for this season.

Last Week of Shea – Part 4

Well, all that is left of Shea is one lone section now. I went out Saturday afternoon and was struck by how surreal it all was. About 2 dozen people or so were out taking pictures.

Three things I noticed:

  1. I found it amusing when a fellow fan noticed that the last “neon guy” was the pitcher, considering Shea was such a pitcher’s park
  2. You will see in the pictures that the NO SMOKING signs on the ramps are still there
  3. Another sign still there is the one for the Auto Ticket Kiosk. Given they sold every other thing at Shea I’m shocked these weren’t auctioned off as well

I’ll be back out at Shea later today and Monday morning with more pictures. in the meantime enjoy these (30 in total this time)

You are invited to view Mets’s photo album: Shea Feb 14
Shea Feb 14
Feb 14, 2009
by Mets

Hey K-Rod Shut Up

I’d like to tell K-Rod to STFU but I try to keep the blog clean.

No Met should be running their mouth to the World Champion Phillies.

The same Phillies who refused to roll over and die the last two years

K-Rod says the Mets are a different team. Yeah, the Wagner jersey now says Rodriguez on the back and there’s a guy to pitch the 8th but it isn’t like this is a vastly different team than the one that let us down on September 28th.

The team to beat is the Phillies. Remember that and stay hungry.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Memo To Marlins: Just Move Already

The Miami City Council failed to approve a new $515 million stadium for the Marlins yesterday.


It seems that since the Marlins came into the league in 1993 they have been trying to get funding for a new ballpark and it keep getting denied.

You know, someone hits you once and you don’t do anything, ok, there may be a reason. But when you keep getting hit time and time again what do you do? You do something about it – either fight back (in this case maybe build your own park?) or you get out of the way (move).

Just because a city is big doesn’t mean it can support a major league team. Miami is a perfect example of this as has been shown time and time again.

It’s time for the Marlins to admit that South Florida can’t support them and move to Portland.

Last Week of Shea – Part 3

Well, now I am hearing that the final week of Shea may be next week. Some days I really wish they allowed implosions in NY – it would have made this whole process a lot easier and less painful to watch.

So here are the latest pictures I took on Thursday morning. Come back tomorrow for more pictures taken today.

You are invited to view Mets’s photo album: Shea Feb 12
Shea Feb 12
Feb 12, 2009
by Mets