Pinstripes Again (For Putz)

I don’t have a pic I can share yet but the Mets introduced J.J. Putz in pinstripes and a blue hat. 
That’s two days in a row we haven’t been subjected to the black uniforms (although black shading remains).  
Hopefully the pins will be the main uniform once again.

Bobby Bonilla Wasn’t The Best Met of the 1990’s Was He??!!

Among my fellow Mets Policeman we were debating who was the best Met of the 1990’s.   (This followed a discussion of “Best 1990s Yankee” which I’ll save for another day).

Some really awful names came up.

Maybe it was Todd Hundley?   Maybe Edgardo Alfonzo?   Piazza wasn’t there for long in the 90’s….

Could it possibly be Bobby Bonilla?   That would be like finding out Superman was evil.

So I asked the good folks over at the excellent Mets Walkoffs blog to help out – they always amaze me with the ability to pull up random stats…so a big thank you to Walkoffs for the numbers below.

People like the long-ball.  Let’s start there.

Todd Hundley 124
Bobby Bonilla 95
Howard Johnson 75
The Despised Jeff Kent 67
John Olerud and Mike Piazza 63
Edgardo Alfonzo 62.

Uh oh…Bonilla’s up there….but so is good ol’ Hundley.
Walkoffs points out:

problem is hundley only hit .240 in the 1990s. bonilla hit .270. piazza hit .322, 2nd to lance johnson .326. olerud hit .315

Uh oh… 

piazza and olerud are 1-2 in OPS and its not close.

alfonzo led in runs created- 383

Whew.  So there’s no real case for a hitter.   Let’s take a look at the pitchers…again thanks to Walkoffs.

bobby jones 63-50, 4.00 era

gooden 57-46, 3.77

Well I wish we could pick Gooden, but he never turned out to be who we wanted…and 57 wins for a 10 year span seems a little week.    So we have our winner….


Nice Job on The Bisons Logo!

Yeah I’m 16 hours behind all the cool blogs on this but sometimes I actually have to work at work, ya know.

Anyway – this is great.  Good job outta everyone!

Debits Field!

Damn the Times is great sometimes.  Why oh why didn’t I think of “Debits Field!”

Published: December 17, 2008
Even the introduction of the Mets’ newest marquee player and a holiday party for children cannot help the franchise sidestep nagging questions over Wall Street ties.

Those mocking the deal have suggested new names for park, ranging from Bailout Stadium to Debits Field.

As irritating as the name on the stadium may have become for the Mets, a bigger issue emerged last week when it was revealed that Fred Wilpon, the Mets’ principal owner, had invested millions of dollars with Bernard L. Madoff, a longtime friend, who was arrested by F.B.I. agents last Thursday. Madoff has been accused of running a Ponzi scheme that defrauded clients of billions of dollars.

Rest is here.